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单词 bury
释义 Word family  noun burial adjective buried verb bury  Related topics: Deathbur·y /ˈberi/ ●●● W3 verb (buried, burying, buries) [transitive]  1  PUT somebody IN GRAVEdead person 死人MX to put someone who has died in a grave 埋葬,安葬bury somebody in/at etc something He was buried in the churchyard of St Mary’s. 他被安葬在圣玛丽教堂的墓地里。2  PUT something UNDER EARTHobject 物体HIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE to put something under the ground, often in order to hide it 埋藏 Electric cables are buried beneath the streets. 电缆埋在街道的下面。3  COVER WITH somethingfall on STH 落在某物上面 [usually passive]COVER to fall on top of someone or something, usually harming or destroying them 将…埋在下面〔一般造成伤害或破坏〕be buried under/beneath etc something The skiers were buried under the snow. 滑雪者被埋在积雪下面。 Fifty-seven miners were buried alive. . 57名矿工被活埋。4  hidden 被遮盖 to cover something so that it cannot be found 埋住,覆盖be buried under/in something His glasses were buried under a pile of papers. 他的眼镜埋在一堆报纸下面。n Grammar Bury is usually passive in this meaning.5  FEELING/MEMORYfeeling/memory 感情/记忆IGNORE to ignore a feeling or memory and pretend that it does not exist 把〔感情或记忆〕埋在心里 a deeply buried memory 深埋的记忆6  bury your face/head etc (in something) PRESSto press your face etc into something soft 把脸/头等埋在(某物)里面 Noel buried his face in the pillow. 诺埃尔把脸埋在枕头里。7. bury your face/head in your hands to cover your face with your hands because you are very upset 双手掩面/抱头8. bury your head in the sand TTCto ignore an unpleasant situation and hope it will stop if you do not think about it 采取鸵鸟政策,逃避现实9. bury the hatchet/bury your differences PUSHto agree to stop arguing about something and become friends 捐弃前嫌,重归于好10  PUSH something INTO A SURFACEin a surface 在表面里WORK HARD to push something, especially something sharp, into something else with a lot of force 〔尤指用尖利之物〕用力插入bury something in something The dog buried its teeth in my leg. 狗使劲咬住我的腿。 The bullet buried itself in the wall. 子弹射进了墙里。11  bury yourself in your work/studies etc IGNOREto give all your attention to something 埋头工作/学习等 After the divorce, she buried herself in her work. 离婚后,她埋头工作。12  information 信息 to put information in a document in a place where it is unlikely to be noticed, or to not make it available to people 使隐藏 The story was buried at the back of the paper. 这篇报道被掩藏在报纸的最后面。13  loved one 心爱的人 literary to have someone you love die 失去〔心爱的人〕 She had buried her husband, two sons, and a daughter. 她失去了丈夫、两个儿子和一个女儿。 → be dead and buried at dead1(14)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbury• We hope to bury any speculation that there was a conspiracy.• Some of the phone lines are buried beneath the streets.• Heberle confirms the mains will be buried between 36 inches and 44 inches deep.• The arteries, much more rigid than veins and buried deeper in the body, are unaffected.• Tennessee buried Florida 45-3 in Saturday's game.• He murdered his wife and buried her body in a field.• The refugees, having buried his body, are forced to move on.• It is an earthwork which appears to descend into the ground and is partially buried in the soil.• Whitney, the high country is absolutely buried in the stuff.• The hardest thing a mother can do is bury one of her children.• The dog buried one of my slippers in the backyard.• People may bury painful childhood memories to protect themselves.• Four other abandoned children whose final days had not been as comfortable were buried that same day.• Snakes usually bury their eggs.• Although it had been buried without a coffin, it was found perfectly preserved.• Your relatives have to bury you in an envelope.buried alive• He was going to be buried alive!• The burrow collapses around them so that they are effectively buried alive.• He is haunted by flashbacks of being beaten, tortured and buried alive, but they are fragmented memories.• The older method entailed the risk of being buried alive by collapsing river banks.• The bodies of 56 people who were tortured, executed and even buried alive by Hizbullah have been found in several towns.• And when it comes to danger, what about the fifty-seven miners buried alive in the Borken disaster only this year?• No chance of being buried alive, not with this.• We are to be buried alive under charters.Origin bury Old English byrganbur·y verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to put has in someone Corpus a died who




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