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单词 burnt
释义 Word family  noun burn burner adjective burning burnt verb burn adverb burning  burnt1 /bɜːnt $ bɜːrnt/ especially British English  the past tense and past participle of burn burn的过去式和过去分词Examples from the Corpusburnt• These, they gleaned, were being taken off to be burnt.• Buckingham was arrested: he went to the block whilst poor Taplow was burnt at Smithfield.• The monster's blood burnt away the grass on Dragon's hill.• I tried to pick him up and that's when I burnt myself.• All over Bosnia, dwellings are burnt out, uninhabitable, or simply not there any more.• This is no good, she told herself, as the fierce ruins burnt round her.• Return the dough to a clean bowl, cover it with a damp 1 Caramel coloring is simply burnt sugar.• I mean, she could've burnt the house down that night she put the lighted paper through the letter box.burnt2 ●●○ adjective  1  BURNDAMAGEdamaged or hurt by burning 烧坏的;烧伤的 burnt toast 烤焦的面包片2  burnt offering a) RRsomething that is offered as a gift to a god by being burnt on an altar 燔祭品〔祭坛上焚烧以祭神的东西〕 b) British English humorousFOOD food that you accidentally burnt while you were cooking it 烧焦的食物Examples from the Corpusburnt• Sprinkle with sugar for extra crunch or drizzle with burnt brandy as described in the introduction to this recipe, and serve.• The smell of burnt powder seemed to hang around him in a cloud.• I then apply a very watery burnt sienna to the parts to maintain some warmth amongst the shadows.• Floodlighting reflected from the silvery burnt umber cladding of the walls as though ice-ghosts danced there, and set the green columns aglow.• The black coloration is due to charcoal fragments from burnt wood.burnt1burnt2 adjectiveChinese  of and past participle tense burn the past Corpus




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