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单词 burglary
释义  bur·glar·y /ˈbɜːɡləri $ ˈbɜːr-/ ●●○ noun (plural burglaries) [countable, uncountable]  STEALthe crime of getting into a building to steal things 入室盗窃(罪) Burglaries have risen by 5%. 入室盗窃案上升了5%。 He was charged with burglary. 他因入室盗窃被起诉。 Most burglaries happen at night. 入室盗窃案多数发生在夜间。► see thesaurus at crimeExamples from the Corpusburglary• Burglary, murder and rape are all on the increase.• Call the police -- there's been a burglary.• At the Smiths Arms in Greatham, near Hartlepool, £800 was taken from the vending and gaming machines during a burglary.• Foster had been in prison twice already for burglary.• Police fear thieves are turning to car crime because the courts are imposing tougher penalties for burglary and robbery.• Davis also faces three other special circumstances in connection with the murder charge: kidnapping, burglary and robbery.• Most burglaries occur when a house or apartment is empty.• There were also 38 reports of stolen cars, 39 reported burglaries and nine reported robberies.• The burglary of a north Los Angeles home Friday was one of hundreds in the area during 1995.• Nicholas, 21, and Robin, 20, admitted incitement to burglary.• If you live in an area where burglary is common, it may be worth investing in an alarm system.charged with burglary• The youngster, from Manchester, is also charged with burglary.• In the present case L was charged with burglary.• Nine people were charged with burglary, three with robbery and two with aggravated assault on a police officer.• They were charged with burglary and the theft of a Ford Sierra Cosworth, and remanded in custody for seven days.From Longman Business Dictionaryburglarybur‧glar‧y /ˈbɜːgləriˈbɜːr-/ noun (plural burglaries) [countable, uncountable]LAW the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing thingsThe figures show that household burglary rose by 17%.bur·glar·y nounChineseSyllable  the to Business getting of crime Corpus a building into




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