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单词 agony
释义  ag·o·ny /ˈæɡəni/ ●○○ noun (plural agonies) [countable, uncountable]  1  PAINvery severe pain 极大的痛苦 the agony of arthritis 关节炎的剧烈疼痛in agony I was in agony. 我极度痛苦。 He groaned in agony. 他痛苦地呻吟着。► see thesaurus at pain2  SUFFERa very sad, difficult, or unpleasant experience 痛楚,苦难 It was agony not knowing if she would live. 她生死难料,令人揪心。agony of He was in agonies of remorse. 他后悔不已。 → pile on the pressure/agony at pile, → prolong the agony at prolong(2)Examples from the Corpusagony• But Greenspun's upscale decor pales as she talks of another time and place full of pain and agony.• She's been in agony with a long term back disorder.• People covered their mouths in agony.• With renewed fighting for control of the capital, there seems to be no end to the region's agony.• The pure hell of making a speech is only equalled by the agony of the audience.• In the book she describes the agony of watching her child die.• The instant the light hit my pupils, the agony began.• In retrospect, dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning.• It was agony not knowing where he agony• He was lying on the floor in agony.Origin agony (1300-1400) Late Latin agonia, from Greek, “trouble, great anxiety”, from agon “competition for a prize”ag·o·ny nounChineseSyllable   Corpus severe very pain




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