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单词 Sharing
(1) When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. 
(2) Playing together teaches children social conventions such as sharing.
(3) Marriage is a life of sharing.
(4) There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing?
(5) He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke.
(6) The sweetness of sharing a dream made for two is one life's greatest treasures. Wishing you both much happiness and a wonderful life.
(7) Would you mind sharing a room?
(8) They seemed to be sharing a private joke .
(9) The idea of sharing a room appalled her.
(10) Nowadays there is more sharing of domestic chores.
(11) He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge.
(12) Part-time work and job sharing will become commonplace.
(13) They spent their evenings drinking wine and sharing confidences.
(14) They were sharing a private joke.
(15) Their friendship was forged by sharing adversity.
(16) He's not very good at sharing his worries.
(17) Much to his disgust(http:///sharing.html), he found himself sharing a carriage with a noisy young family.
(18) Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres.
(19) The introduction of job sharing could prevent the need for redundancies.
(20) Chinese waiters stood in a cluster(), sharing a private joke.
(21) The decision to introduce job sharing grew out of a general desire for flexible working hours.
(22) The republics have worked out a plan for sharing control of nuclear weapons.
(23) Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys.
(24) Sharing food is the most important moral imperative in Semai society.
(25) I don't relish the idea of sharing an office with Tony.
(26) I suggested sharing the cost, but he wasn't having any of it.
(27) The committee is concerned about the large number of prisoners sharing cells.
(28) John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing.
(29) May we take you up on your suggestion of sharing the costs for the party?
(30) Leaders are people who can seduce other people into sharing their dream.
(1) Playing together teaches children social conventions such as sharing.
(2) There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing?
(3) The committee is concerned about the large number of prisoners sharing cells.
(4) Their friendship was forged by sharing adversity.
(5) Those things the Greeks called catharsis the sharing of pity and terror and joy with all.
(31) They had thought the boys wouldn't mind sharing; as it turned out, they minded bitterly.
(32) John has strong opinions and he's not shy about sharing them.
(33) There are reductions for children sharing a room with two adults.
(34) Those things the Greeks called catharsis the sharing of pity and terror and joy with all.
(35) I would have preferred a house of my own rather than sharing, but beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.
(36) It's time we told him a few home truths about sharing a house.
(37) The mental strain of sharing an office with Alison was starting to tell.
(38) I hate sharing a bedroom - I never get any privacy.
(39) He delighted in sharing his love of birds with children.
(40) Maxwell's responsibilities overlap yours,(http:///sharing.html) so you will be sharing some of the work.
(41) Most have contracted the disease through sharing needles.
(42) Also sharing the house, a fox terrier called Leo.
(43) Prices are based on 4 people sharing an apartment.
(44) Sharing is the essence of friendship.
(45) This may mean two or three sharing a bedroom.
(46) They were sharing a hymn book and singing.
(47) This sharing of expectations about acceptable behaviour ensures conformity.
(48) Learning these new behaviors depended on cross-training and open information and knowledge sharing.
(49) Players rotate from one position to another, even sharing the quarterback spot.
(50) Sharing a club chair with Elliot, six-month-old Gabe keeps turning his irresistible gummy smiles on me.
(51) Once, the computer network was viewed as a means of sharing expensive equipment.
(52) At each stage, half the fun comes from sharing the trials and triumphs with friends who are undergoing the same experiences.
(53) Do not enable File or Printer sharing unless you want to let outsiders from the Net into your computer.
(54) His heart was beating agitatedly, as if sharing his sense of foreboding.
(55) A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. Denis Waitley 
(56) The activities would demand collaborative work, role allocation and sharing.
(57) We decided it would be best to go straight away and travel overnight, with me and Richie sharing the driving.
(58) They have preferred to regard them as basically sharing the mentality of their Western counterparts.
(59) The project quickly expanded beyond all imagination as others understood the potential for global information sharing.
(60) The former skills were more consistent with their notions of being sales leader; they were sharing their technical expertise with others.
(61) It is difficult to read the book without sharing her anger and frustration, or feeling her love of open spaces.
(62) We can develop a sense of identity by sharing our experiences with others in a process of ongoing interaction.
(63) So, you go to all the bother of sharing a car.
(64) The baby Eagles are sharing the incubation room with some other new arrivals.
(65) What we are really talking about of course is entitlement - sharing the privileges of being able to be in touch with other cultures.
(66) After the truck, the car boot even with Brian sharing it, was relatively comfortable.
(67) Windows for Workgroups supersedes Windows 3.1, and will provide information sharing, communication and workgroup application capabilities to Windows users.
(67) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(68) Little groups of people drinking or sharing pungent hand-rolled cigarettes to the accompaniment of Radio Luxembourg.
(69) Employees and managers alike are uncomfortable with distributing bonus payments under gain sharing without regard to individual contribution.
(70) There is companionship and a sharing of the burden between co-wives.
(71) These are available where indicated on the individual Club pages for a first child sharing a room with 2 adults.
(72) The very word partner conjures up a similar sharing of the risks and a shared passion about the business.
(73) The fact that sharing a double bed with my sister made me uncomfortable.
(74) They could reach no sane accommodation about sharing and are, Kausmann reports, no longer together.
(75) Sharing here goes to extremes that foreigners have a hard time comprehending.
(76) Donen and Vincente Minnelli were the directors with whom he collaborated on his most glorious musicals, often sharing the directing credit.
(77) More often, the Provisionals intimidated the owners of bombed buildings into sharing with them part of the compensation.
(78) Nuccio claims he broke no law or rule by sharing sensitive intelligence data with a member of Congress.
(79) Applications include mobile facsimile, data sharing and transfer and remote computer access.
(80) Three wards were packed, with two and three patients sharing some beds as doctors struggled to cope.
(81) Only by sharing parenting, she wrote, could we break the cycle.
(82) She always attempted to please and to avoid sharing her true feelings whenever a problem arose.
(83) The two sisters hugged each other, sharing their grief and comforting one another.
(84) Some of the chiefs also urged improved information sharing between schools and law enforcement officials.
(85) Prior to sharing her young mistress's lessons, she received instruction in deportment and etiquette.
(86) Academic people can express a caring attitude by applying or sharing information, especially their insights or conclusions, freely with others.
(87) Sometimes you can find a Zebra flatworm sharing the snail shell with the hermit crab.
(88) It had evolved into a powerful but unintimidating small appliance for organizing and sharing information.
(89) Sharing is rare in primates and the chimpanzee behaviour may indicate the sources of human mealtime ceremonials.
(90) Is there a clear understanding and sharing between governors and staff of both general and specific aims?
(91) We collected them like rare orchids, gleefully sharing our latest acquisitions and discoveries.
(92) The promotional prices are £16.50 per person self catering, based on four sharing.
(93) It is paralleled by a sharing of what I have called the bottom-up dreams of the businesses themselves.
(94) May the Lord bless the earth and may he bless our sharing and our work for justice.
(95) Kung San neighbors' hunting life for farming, there is less food sharing and more political dominance within each band.
(96) By sharing you don't become poor... You become rich. For the more you share, the more shall you receive. RVM 
(97) Can he give any information as to how arrangements such as job sharing have grown in the civil service to facilitate that desirable outcome?
(98) As the Reidys' lives clearly show(Sentence dictionary), sharing parenting helps to maintain mutual respect and closeness in a marriage.
(99) A 55-year-old man sharing a drink with a woman who looks hardly old enough to drink?
(100) You can't get it from ordinary social contact like sharing food, towels, toilets or hugs.
(101) Does she welcome the intruder and discuss how best they can cohabit the territory, sharing prey?
(102) Midge's total lack of emotion prevented him from sharing his own grief with her and he found that unbearable.
(103) Soon they were enjoying evenings out together and ended up sharing a flat.
(104) In electron sharing, a shared electron can not be considered to have been gained or lost.
(105) He is strongly dedicated to the sharing of sound information with others in the collective life.
(106) So essentially antagonistic class interests sharing the same region find themselves allying with each other in their mutual self-interests.
(107) And they continued to use open communications, information sharing, and improvisation as the primary fuel for change.
(108) Sharing in such a personal faith gives unity to the diversity of human beings, bringing us together with others.
(109) We were sharing a table with an elderly lady, a Mrs Harvey.
(110) Some civilians are upset at the prospect of sharing power with the armed forces, even in an advisory capacity.
(111) We stayed in hotels, sharing single beds in small dark rooms.
(112) Discussions between the school district and Austin Community College about sharing education and training facilities also got under way.
(113) At the end of my presentation I was sharing some perspectives about peo-ple and the importance of teamwork.
(114) For his part, Mayor Miller says he plays racquetball, and thus has never witnessed Thoreson sharing the greens with developers.
(115) The development of internal communication systems will increase efficiency by sharing information, thus reducing waste and duplication of effort. 4.
(116) The law does not bar service members from having erotic publications, films or tapes, or from sharing them with others.
(117) Sharing problems, discussing policies and pooling ideas, have all proved helpful and stimulating.
(118) It was hoped that parents and staff would become more aware of the importance of sharing.
(119) Cluster groups of schools could conduct a joint review, sharing their experiences.
(120) Two, sometimes three, generations can be found sharing a bed.
(121) Sport is more about making friends, building communities, and sharing experiences than keeping fit.
(122) The intention is to facilitate better communication and a greater sense of ownership and sharing.
(123) Job sharing is not for the faint hearted: it demands complete commitment.
(124) Sharing a film with a third party, it implied, was tantamount to infidelity.
(125) Many landlords turn a blind eye to the fact that two families are sharing apartments.
(126) One of the advantages of the database approach is that it permits the sharing of data.
(127) I have seen poultry and rabbits and large baskets of butter and eggs sharing seats down to Barnard Castle.
(128) Polite brides will hand out more cards to thank guests for sharing their special day.
(129) Furthermore, the City of Detroit is the chief benefactor of much indirect revenue sharing.
(130) The first application to use the services is Tivoli/FSM, which manages Unix client-server file sharing mechanisms from a central control point.
(131) In later years I always played with the doll alone, never sharing her with my friends.
(132) Children 2-11 years inclusive not sharing with two full fare passengers: reduction 25%.
(133) I know you have experienced a conflict in Phoenix about discrimination in Super Bowl profit sharing.
(134) Sharing your address is a small price to pay for free access.
(135) To help things along we provide our usual framework of social activities, sharing costs between survivors.
(136) Owners are also looking into increased revenue sharing as a way to ease the financial burdens that force teams to move.
(137) Good relations between partners depend on their sharing equally the work and making their findings freely available to each other.
(138) Electronic commerce depends on the unspoken assumption that computers cooperate efficiently for seamless information sharing.
(139) They are priceless forums for discussing new ideas, solving problems, and sharing feedback.
(140) He doesn't believe that extra money motivates, whether that money be a bonus, profit sharing or a salary increase.
(141) But Smolan says he stumbled on the idea in 1994 while sharing Thanksgiving dinner with college friends.
(142) Peter and Nick were sitting on the sofa sharing a bottle of whisky with Sara's backgammon board between them.
(143) Sharing tales of those we've lost is how we keep from really losing them. Mitch Albom 
(144) We know little of its holy days and less about its teachings, which embrace sharing this planet in peace with others.
(145) Neither Bradley nor his school have been seriously damaged by his small act of information sharing.
(146) This social aspect of reading, of sharing a pleasurable experience, should begin at this stage.
(147) He can be more direct in sharing his beliefs and opinions with us.
(148) Other companies had second thoughts after they expressed interest in sharing their experiences.
(149) Claimants would end up sharing ownership with the current owners, usually local authorities and other public bodies.
(150) Explanations which are produced in normal conversation are likely to have a sharing function.
(151) She was sharing a room with a girl called Anita, an ex heroin addict.
(152) Each area of responsibility requires good preparation and hard work in sharing, adjusting and reaching agreed policies and practices.
(153) But me thought of sharing his Minto-life with Warnie was not without its complications for Jack himself.
(154) She's been a good little girl sharing her bedroom and all her precious bits and bobs with you.
(155) They appear to gel as a group, with only the odd complaint about sharing or taking turns.
(156) The association began as a forum for sharing ideas about management problems.
(157) Discuss with them the issue of sharing tasks and power and let them suggest ideas for improved delegation.
(158) This acceptance of the democratic rules of the game and the eventual sharing of electoral victories leads to democratic consolidation.
(159) Purchasers and providers recognise that sharing of information can contribute to the shared aim of improving health care.
(160) Prices are based on 3 sharing a one bedroomed apartment.
(161) And now, with Emily tucked up in bed,(http:///sharing.html) she was sharing a drink with Vass before bedtime.
(162) Even the thought of sharing a bed with him didn't seem so threatening when he was being kind.
(163) Our hosts were most generous, sharing their food with us and insisting on giving us their bedrooms.
(164) I had always imagined holding her through labor, talking with her and somehow sharing in the pain.
(165) May we give pleasure to other people by sharing our joy and happiness with them.
(166) Although the formal agenda item is always very useful, perhaps even more beneficial is the process of sharing.
(167) Sharing can be through meetings and conferences, but a written report is obviously more easily accessible to others.
(168) Now, an increasingly influential and literate middle class was sharing in making it and in the demand for it.
(169) Information may be shared within the group but its cohesion depends on limiting the sharing of information outside the group.
(170) At least at first, sharing a double bed is unlikely to be comfortable or practical for either patient or carer.
(171) While sharing a cigarette with a newspaper vendor, he makes more in handouts than the other man does selling papers.
(172) It is healthy that people move in and out, and thus contribute to a sharing of experience.
(173) They were located conveniently on the same floor as the Telenews office, whose facilities Mike, Jim and I were sharing.
(174) They had the opportunity to make up for this loss by sharing in 40 years of prosperity under a democratic system.
(175) I think the sharing and the emotional experiences are part of the miracle of Lourdes.
(176) It provides a forum for the sharing of ideas among archaeologists, computer specialists and mathematicians.
(177) Through grants to local authorities, we are financing schemes to introduce more flexible working practices - such as job sharing.
(178) Nine council members serve part time in Huntington Beach, sharing a clerical staff of three.
(179) Participating in the videos are real doctors and patients sharing their experiences.
(180) At the seminar I met a number of interesting people and explored ways we could interact by sharing ideas.
(181) There is an obvious social motive behind explanations with a sharing function.
(182) The sharing of information will be of critical importance to sustain performance, and new technology will make the sharing possible.
(183) Sharing can cause problems, but in some cases the children can be encouraged to explore possible solutions for themselves.
(184) In the late '60s, thousands of people lived according to an ethos of sharing and caring.
(185) In the last cliffhanger, downstairs lover Tony Head was caught sharing his Gold Blend nightcap with a mystery lady.
(186) She knew a couple of friends elsewhere who lived together under the pretense of sharing an apartment or duplex.
(187) No sharing and rolling down into the dip in the middle.
(188) We are getting the message across to drug users that sharing needles is a high-risk behaviour.
(189) Suites of either two twins sharing a bathroom or one twin, one single sharing a bathroom are available.
(190) A computer having the capability of time sharing operation.
(191) The Coding Theorem of Secret Sharing Communication System with Three Noise Channels.
(192) He thought there was too much detail on sharing the nuclear deterrent.
(193) Genital warts can be spread during vaginalsex,[http://] and by sharing sex toys.
(194) Taking the long view, risk sharing seems eminently possible in this case.
(195) He was sharing a nocturnal poker game with out - of - town cronies from another utility.
(196) Finally, insist on the use of inverted pyramid approach, low - cost sharing.
(197) In DPPX, a queue in the printer - sharing environment.
(198) Better communications also favour information - sharing and co - ordination between agencies.
(199) This sharing feature was available under the DEC VMS operating system.




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