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单词 The flood
1. The flood swept away many homes.
2. The insurers will need to assess the flood damage.
3. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.
4. The flood weakened the dam.
5. Few survived after the flood.
6. The dam secured the city from the flood.
7. to help the flood victims.
8. The tides at highest mark regorge the flood.
9. I saved the animals from the flood.
10. The flood caused serious destruction to the village.
11. Several charities sent aid to the flood victims.
12. The flood is a disaster.
13. The flood came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.
14. The flood last year was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died.
15. Few survived the flood.
16. Sandbags will hold the flood waters back for a while.
17. The flood on the road eventually drained off into the ditch.
18. The flood waters fell,[http://] depositing mud over the whole area.
19. The flood has left villagers and animals desperately scavenging for food.
20. The flood waters gradually subsided.
21. The flood of refugees continued unabated.
22. The bridge withstands the flood.
23. Eventually the flood waters began to subside.
24. The flood did irreparable damage to the building.
25. The heavy rain caused the flood.
26. Nothing could stop the advance of the flood waters.
27. The flood affected the town and surrounding villages.
28. Barriers were built to keep back the flood water.
29. The flood water had caused tremendous damage.
30. We had about ten hours' warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the flood.
1. The flood swept away many homes.
2. The insurers will need to assess the flood damage.
3. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.
4. The flood weakened the dam.
5. Few survived after the flood.
6. The dam secured the city from the flood.
7. The tides at highest mark regorge the flood.
8. I saved the animals from the flood.
9. The flood caused serious destruction to the village.
10. Several charities sent aid to the flood victims.
11. The flood is a disaster.
12. The flood came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.
13. The flood last year was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died.
14. Few survived the flood.
15. Sandbags will hold the flood waters back for a while.
16. The flood on the road eventually drained off into the ditch.
17. We had about ten hours' warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the flood.
18. The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.
19. The flood has left villagers and animals desperately scavenging for food.
20. The flood was a major catastrophe.
21. I rescued my belongings from the flood.
22. The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.
23. They prevented the flood from breaking over the dam.
24. We are sympathetic with the flood sufferers.
25. The flood was overwhelming and the city was soon drowned.
26. She kept abreast with the flood of communications that had poured in.
27. After the flood there was a slow return to normality.
28. The strike , couple with the flood, was expected to reduce supplies of food drastically.
31. They collected a purse to help the flood victims.
32. The flood has slipped below the warning stage.
33. Her child was washed away in the flood.
34. The flood washed out the road.
35. The flood came through to my garden.
36. The rocks were displaced by the flood.
37. It's a blessing that the flood is over.
38. Some families lost everything in the flood.
39. The bridge was swept by the flood.
40. The flood swamped the whole village.
41. The flood overflowed the valley.
42. The flood accounted for the bad crop.
43. The flood waters are going down.
44. The flood was a major catastrophe.
45. I rescued my belongings from the flood.
46. The flood claimed hundreds of lives.
47. Many people were forcibly displaced by the flood.
48. Local officials say the flood waters have subsided.
49. The flood waters are slowly retreating.
50. The flood brought us up against serious difficulties.
51. The reason for the flood was that heavy rain.
52. The flood was too deep to drive through.
53. The foundations sank after the flood.
54. The flood waters slowly retreated.
55. After the flood, nothing remained of the village.
56. During the flood we had to do without luxuries.
57. The flood wrought havoc on the countryside.
58. The whole town was engulfed in the flood.
59. The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.
60. They prevented the flood from breaking over the dam.
61. We are sympathetic with the flood sufferers.
62. The flood water covered the whole area.
63. The flood was caused by a blocked drain .
64. The flood waters finally began to recede in November.
65. The flood caused widespread destruction.
66. The tide is at the flood.
67. The flood water nearly reached roof level.
68. The results of the flood were disastrous.
69. The flood was overwhelming and the city was soon drowned.
70. The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters.
71. The UN appealed for help with the flood of refugees crossing the border.
72. The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock.
73. The flood started and we had to seek higher ground.
74. Trucks caravaned food and medical supplies to the flood survivors.
75. The young police sergent was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the children from the flood.
76. A thick deposit of mud lay on the fields when the flood went down.
77. She kept abreast with the flood of communications that had poured in.
78. The local people still harboured considerable misgivings over the flood of workers into their village.
79. The President appealed to the international community for aid for the flood victims.
80. The local government expropriated all the trucks and tractors during the flood.
81. After the flood there was a slow return to normality.
82. We handed out gifts of food and clothing to the survivors of the flood.
83. The villagers built banks of earth to hold back the flood waters.
84. It's impossible to put a figure on the number of homeless after the flood.
85. The flood waters have receded since then, but residents are still bailing out.
86. She was unprepared for the flood of vituperation which descended on her from her critics.
87. The old painting was damaged in the flood and had to be painstakingly restored.
88. Infectious diseases are spreading among many of the flood victims.
89. The flood of cars has now slowed to a trickle.
90. Many people were uprooted from their homes by the flood.
91. The garden wall is being washed by the flood water.
92. They were boxed up in a small shed during the flood.
93. The flood of offers of help had dwindled to a mere trickle.
94. The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida.
95. They could not cross the river owing to the flood.
96. We had been enemies a long time, but after the flood we buried the hatchet.
97. The cost of the flood damage is impossible to quantify.
98. People camped out in the school hall to escape the flood water.
99. The flood left a thick deposit of mud over the entire ground floor of the house.
100. The dam gave way; it was not strong enough to hold the flood waters.
101. They assessed the cost of the flood damage at £1500.
102. They conquered the flood after a strenuous fight lasting four days and four nights.
103. After the flood it took weeks for the water level to go down.
104. There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt by the flood.
105. The flood water backed up the pipes for the dirty water.
106. Aid agencies are making mercy flights into the flood region.
107. The strike , couple with the flood(),[http:///the flood.html] was expected to reduce supplies of food drastically.
108. An hour later, the flood waters began to subside.
109. "The Chronicle" ran a three-page story on the flood.
110. The Zimmerman's house was ruined by the flood.
111. Tell that to the flood victims of 1884.
112. The houses were half-submerged by the flood water.
113. Church had effectively stemmed the flood of artists.
114. The flood of credit will be increased this year by all the promissory notes Mr Yeltsin dished out on the campaign trail.
115. The Red Cross has started distributing food and blankets to villages in the flood area.
116. The officials who are retiring or were defeated had to make hard decisions after the flood.
117. Trent heard the scratching of branches against the bridge-deck as the wind drove Golden Girl inland on the flood tide.
118. Maybe the family fled after the flood, or maybe they had all been drowned.
119. Woolsey served on the Petaluma City Council when the flood project was authorized after the devastating floods of 1982-83.
120. The problem is occurring because of low river flows and breaches of the flood defence affecting many miles of riverbank.
121. Cushendall police requested further assistance in the Glengariff area at 1345 where more livestock had become cut off by the flood waters.
122. Helicopters continued to search for others who had climbed trees to escape from the flood waters.
123. Most important, although hitherto unmentioned, are the possible effects of flooding or otherwise downstream of the flood relief area.
124. As the waters recede, their spawning tunnels can be seen in serried rows in the flood bank.
125. The flood exploded into the Santa Clara River, turned right, and swept through the valley toward the ocean.
126. To us the flood of romantic love should be searched for and found before marriage.
127. The flood took furniture and coins and valuables in one room, and left everything that was in another intact.
128. The company has employed a number of new staff to cope with the flood of visitors to the site.
129. For the flood to yield up its riches, two things were required: a competent engineer and plenty of capital.
130. Once the line between the conventional primary source and the secondary study is crossed, the flood is even worse.
131. After the land had been cleaned by the flood, it was ready for occupation again and a new beginning.
132. The deadline came, the flood gates opened and we breathed a sigh of relief.
133. The snails will be marked with fingernail polish and moved above the high-water mark of the flood, Wegner said.
134. We redoubled our efforts to control the flood of water that gushes down our field from the mountains behind.
135. Nowadays Darra has become an embarrassment to a military regime desperate to dam the flood of weapons flowing through it.
136. The wicket in the main doors was still unlocked then, after they brought the horses back after the flood.
137. The flood was a second major story, and the staff rose to meet the challenge.
138. Which is what Mr Walker said last week, against the flood of expert opinion on what his vote would mean.
139. The flood escaped, and more surged in, water over grass, grass over water.
140. Debris of all sizes up to great boulders may be swept along until the flood subsides.
141. After the flood, hundreds of stranded vehicles lined the roads.
142. She feared the bounds of her mind would burst and she would be swamped, her sanity irretrievable in the flood damage.
143. A staff of 10 has quietly been hired, office space rented in the Flood Building and communications and cleaning equipment bought.
144. Then she dropped her face into her hands, unable to stem the flood of tears a second longer.
145. The biblical stories of the Creation and the Flood and their ancient Mesopotamian analogues belong to this same family of images.
146. What there is instead is a deep sense of sympathy with those who have been damaged by the flood.
147. It has thrown in the sponge ... The flood shines like Occam's razor.
148. Some passages are contradictory such as the two versions of the flood in Genesis.
149. The flood was a calamity from which Bangladesh has never fully recovered.
150. With no freeboard to counterbalance, the leeward rail pressed down, admitting the flood, and the boy bailed furiously.
151. Residents still angry at the flood would still be angry at her, to use the best meatball psychology I know.
152. The little town crowns a low plateau just out of reach of the flood plain of the nearby Deerfield River.
153. Instead of taking a detour, I decided it would be fun to pass through the flood, and drove towards it.
154. The human beings who survive the Flood come from the old corrupt, violent order.
155. After the flood, the water level in the river almost went up to the top of the dam.
156. Wegner is more concerned with the river runners who are scheduled to travel through the canyon during the flood.
157. Around them, other craft were also taking advantage of the flood tide to enter harbour.
158. The flood victims are doing their best under exceptional circumstances.
159. The lack of scientific basis for many of the worries doesn't stanch the flood.
160. Much of this activity was carried out by special commissions especially set up to cope with the flood of material that was uncovered.
161. Many fear that the flood of imports could weaken Britain's economy.
162. Both letters refer to a small section of between the end of the footway and the start of the flood bank proper.
163. If women behaved like men, then we would have another generation like the one that was destroyed by the Flood.
164. The General Manager is inside it, in a wetsuit, trying to stem the flood.
165. By then, the flood water had spread across 80 square miles of farmland.
166. In all, nearly 150 scientists from throughout the world have gathered to witness the flood.
167. Yosemite National Park is restricting access to the Park in order to cope with the flood damage.
168. But, while Owens was a symbol of pluck during the flood, she also was a symbol of the flood.
169. Church had effectively stemmed the flood of artists. To improve upon perfection was, after all, an exercise in futility.
170. Snapping out of his brief trance, Mungo supposed Stanley was relieved that at least the shop had survived the flood.
170. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
171. The flood waters were controlled by a succession of carefully engineered sluice-gates and locks.
172. The flood of toxic chemicals creates even more serious health problems in this brave new workplace.
173. Fortunately, the flood did not break the dike.
174. Many bridges were swept away by the flood.
175. The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.
176. As the snows melt, the flood waters rise.
177. The embankment must be reinforced before the flood season.
178. Due to the sudden narrowness of the estuary, the flood flowed higher and higher.




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