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单词 bug
释义  Related topics: Insects, Illness & disability, Computersbug1 /bʌɡ/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable]  1  informalILLNESS/DISEASE an illness that people catch very easily from each other but is not very serious 小病;轻微的传染病catch/pick up/get a bug I picked up a bug last weekend. 上个周末我生了一场小病。 There’s a nasty bug going round (=that a lot of people have caught). 现在流行着一种很烦人的传染病。tummy/stomach bug (=illness affecting your stomach) 胃部不适 He’s off work with a stomach bug. 他胃不舒服没有上班。 a 24-hour flu bug 一天即愈的流感► see thesaurus at illness2. especially American EnglishHBI a small insect 小虫子3  FAULT/something WRONGa fault in the system of instructions that operates a computer 〔计算机程序的〕故障,毛病 a bug in the software 软件上的一个问题 → debug► see thesaurus at fault4. LISTENa small piece of electronic equipment for listening secretly to other people’s conversations 窃听器5  informalINTERESTED a sudden strong interest in doing something 突然的兴趣,迷恋the travel/sailing etc bug She’s got the travel bug. 她突然迷上了旅游。 I had one flying lesson and immediately caught the bug (=became very interested in flying). 我上了一节飞行课,马上就着了迷。n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + bug a nasty/horrible bugIt was a really nasty bug.a stomach bug (also a tummy bug more informal)He’s off school with a stomach bug.a flu bugWe’ve all had a horrible flu bug.a 24-hour/2-day etc bugThe doctor says it’s just a 24-hour bug.verbshave a bugTwo of us had a nasty bug on holiday.catch/get a bugSix out of ten travellers get a stomach bug abroad.pick up a bug (=catch one)He seems to pick up every bug going.a bug is going around (=a lot of people have it)A lot of staff are off because there’s a bug going round.Examples from the Corpusbug• Some chips contained a bug that caused computers to crash frequently.• Learning a lesson Resistance to vancomycin already has created a smaller monster of a bug that had been virtually harmless, enterococcus.• Also, liquid nitrogen has a temperature of -196°C, which is enough to freeze the fur off any hardy carpet bug.• The collecting bug often bites early.• The program suffers from some minor bugs, but is still better than the first version.• Or a bigger Bio2 with many more bugs and birds and berries?• In fact most outstanding problems were ironed out over the last couple of months, Goldstein says; bug fixing remains.• Some bug in the program meant when I typed in a letter I go a number instead.• I never knew this until he said it, but I suppose he saw some of my performances and caught the bug.• I think I've picked up the bug that's been going round the office.• The bug, called enterococcus, lives in the nasal passages and intestines of many healthy people, causing no harm.• Within years their cotton plants were decimated by a tiny bug and the Sutherlands resigned themselves to a meagre living from farming.• Gemima's been off school with a tummy bug this week.• Young schoolkids are always catching various bugs.flu bug• Unfortunately a flu bug attacked most of the crew during this week which clouded our impressions of Shetland.• Only replacement back Kenny Logan was an absentee, confined to bed suffering from the 24-hour flu bug.• Unfortunately, although a good time was had by all, a number of the team picked up a strange flu bug.• United have just about shaken off the flu bug and are back to more or less full strength.caught the bug• I never knew this until he said it, but I suppose he saw some of my performances and caught the bug.• Karen says that her mum used to compete as a swimmer, so she took it up and caught the bug.• And when pyramid schemes began to appear in the last few years, nearly everyone caught the bug.• Why had she caught the Bug?• The whole team caught the bug and you know the rest.bug2 verb (bugged, bugging) [transitive]  1  informalANNOY to annoy someone 打扰;激怒;使厌烦 It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money. 我得加班那么长时间,却拿不到分文加班工资,这使我很恼火。 The baby’s crying is really bugging him. 婴儿的哭闹实在让他心烦。2  LISTENto put a bug (=small piece of electronic equipment) somewhere secretly in order to listen to conversations 给…装窃听器;窃听 Do you think the room is bugged? 你认为这房间装了窃听器吗?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbug• Wells was convinced the house was bugged and insisted on playing loud music while we talked.• The FBI had bugged his apartment.• You know what bugs me? Getting a call from a telephone salesman right when I sit down to dinner.• It really bugs me when I can't remember someone's name.• It really bugs me when the car behind me drives too close.• How much my responsibility for my sister bugs me.• Security agents bugged their offices and managed to get some evidence against them.• Wichman also prepared a training manual for prospective passengers by interviewing astronauts and cosmonauts about the things that bugged them.• And she bugs you about H. G. Wells.nBug noun American English infml  na Beetle (=type of small Volkswagen car)From Longman Business Dictionarybugbug /bʌg/ noun [countable] COMPUTING a fault in the system of instructions that operates a computerCustom-made software is often more reliable and has fewer ‘bugs’ or faults. → Millennium bugOrigin bug1 (1600-1700) Perhaps from bug “evil spirit, scarecrow” ((14-18 centuries))bug1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1bug2 verbBug nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  catch an illness very Business people that Corpus




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