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单词 venomous
释义  Related topics: Biologyven·om·ous /ˈvenəməs/ adjective  1  ANGRYHATEfull of hatred or anger 恶毒的;充满怨恨的 Lisa shot him a venomous glance. 莉萨恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼。 Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority. 里德攻击铁路当局还有最厉害的一招没使出来。2. HBa venomous snake, insect etc produces poison 〔蛇、昆虫等〕有毒的,分泌毒液的 SYN poisonous —venomously adverbExamples from the Corpusvenomous• Doctors and hospitals, although locked in increasingly venomous combat with insurers, also are mostly opposed.• a venomous debate over health care• Mrs Saulitis gave the soldiers a venomous look and soothed and patted Parslina protectively.• She began mouthing words in venomous silence; she clenched her fists in rage.ven·om·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  of anger full hatred or Corpus




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