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单词 Inexplicable
1. This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.
2. For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
3. For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out.
4. For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to cancel the project.
5. For some inexplicable reason, he felt depressed.
6. Their actions are completely inexplicable.
7. For some inexplicable reason, her mind went completely blank.
8. Her inexplicable absence worried me.
9. For some inexplicable reason she was attracted to Patrick.
10. The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women worders worried everyone.
11. This inexplicable phenomenon was repeated again and again.
12. Her terrible, inexplicable terminal illness.
13. Inexplicable and downright humiliating, she thought angrily.
14. For some inexplicable reason her spirits seemed to plummet earthwards.
15. For some inexplicable reason, the organization has not told the truth about its players' health.
16. But it was a fear of the inexplicable, the unknown, not of the supernatural.
17. For some inexplicable reason, some rooms of the mansion will suddenly turn very cold.
18. Indeed, what is observed is quite inexplicable on the basis of classical theory.
19. For an inexplicable reason the low, billowy Donyo hills seemed to rise and to touch the sky.
20. She took a shaky step back, mentally berating herself for continuing to react to him in this inexplicable fashion.
21. To continue to advance Rega's claims against Lauda's, as Daniele did, was inexplicable in racing terms.
22. He had wanted to tell his father, but for some inexplicable reason[Sentencedict], felt shy and slightly ashamed.
23. Once again I felt no real sympathy coming from him; simply his obsessive and inexplicable curiosity.
24. He used Planck's ideas to interpret what had proved classically inexplicable in the photoelectric effect.
25. For instance, certain building permissions granted by the Department of Planning have been associated with inexplicable circumstances.
26. Even before I was a radio reporter, I had developed an inexplicable affection for pay phones.
27. Curiously, what was in those eyes, along with decaying hope, was an inexplicable determination to live.
28. Writing is not much given to elaborating events that are brief, sudden, and inexplicable.
29. The only explicable thing, he decided, was how thoroughly inexplicable it all was.
30. Suddenly aware that the afternoon sun had cooled, she shivered, an inexplicable feeling of depression engulfing her.
1. This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.
2. For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
3. For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out.
4. For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to cancel the project.
5. Their actions are completely inexplicable.
6. Her inexplicable absence worried me.
31. His long, inexplicable silence had resulted in her feeling such misery that she was finding it difficult to eat or sleep.
32. How many 30-second sound bites have been spent treating outrage in the streets of some other Arab cities as inexplicable?
33. This is the mystery of sin which has no rational explanation, for it is ultimately and radically inexplicable.
34. For some inexplicable reason there seems to be a connection between weighing-in time and bingeing.
35. Even now I find it harder to conjure up memories of Kennedy, harder to fall back under that inexplicable spell.
36. The activity is marred by the inexplicable appearance of treasure chests that spew inane facts.
37. Nigel leafed through a few large-print Agatha Christies but was put off by the noxious inexplicable stains on the pages.
38. On the basis of available facts, the Mandelas' cult following in international political circles seems inexplicable.
39. The reply has been that this converts effects into what they are not: chance or random events, and inexplicable events.
40. Her heavy lids lifted and she stared at him, bewildered, stunned by her own inexplicable reaction.
41. His inexplicable debts were a byword in his circle.
42. Inexplicable splendor of Ionian white and gold.
43. It is now inexplicable how that development was misinterpreted.
44. Her mother's error was not so inexplicable now.
45. An inexplicable mood caught Heam.
46. There are many things which are inexplicable by science.
47. The inexplicable disappearance of the woman worried everyone.
48. I found his learning Latin inexplicable.
49. In some inexplicable way nature had tricked him.
50. His behaviour was extraordinary and inexplicable.
51. Somewhere behind his thoughts an inexplicable excitement stirred.
52. This budget war reflects inanity,[] incompetence and cowardice that are sadly inexplicable.
53. At the top, in large affairs , life goes off almost inexplicable tangles of personalities.
54. Each time seeing the potbellied celebrities with high and mighty poses I would feel inexplicable awestruck.
55. Instead of the answer he demanded, that inexplicable counterinfluence cut across the current of his thought.
56. He remembered the general's pale baleful eyes staring at him blankly, and then the inexplicable wink.
57. In Between the Worlds, a quiet American city has been struck by an inexplicable crime wave!
58. In his almost inexplicable apathy he was content to droop supinely while Carrie drifted out of his life, just as he was willing supinely to see opportunity pass beyond his control.
59. An inexplicable new broad region of auroral light has been photographed at Saturn's polar cap.
60. Parapsychology The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by science.
61. The sandlot was adorned by two inexplicable plastic palm trees.
62. Right now I think bilingually no matter what, or else I'll be haunted by inexplicable guilt.
63. To the outside world, Israel's assassination of Ahmed Yassin looks either indefensible or inexplicable or both.
64. Unendingly miraculous and mysterious, it's extremely hard to fathom. The Shurangama Mantra is quite esoteric and its changes and transformations are inexplicable; it's not easy to figure out.
65. The downfall of Germany seemed to him inexplicable by ordinary processes.
66. Mr. Bumble's conduct , on being left to himself, was rather inexplicable.
67. Fee structures and rates across the sector are often inexplicable and extortionate.
68. A series of court judgments so inexplicable, and so crushingly expensive, that the CEO doubts his ability to manage the business.
69. This season's RBS Six Nations Championship has been straightforward and yet inexplicable.
70. For as we've learned from her journal, even Mother Theresa found God's ways inexplicable at times(), so inexplicable that they caused her anguish.
71. Her sudden and inexplicable loss of weight alarmed her doctor.




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