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单词 brawny
释义  brawn·y /ˈbrɔːni $ ˈbrɒː-/ adjective  STRONG PERSONvery large and strong 强壮的;肌肉发达的 His brawny arms glistened with sweat. 他强壮的胳膊上有亮晶晶的汗水。Examples from the Corpusbrawny• The sun was pouring into the courtyard and his brawny arms glistened with sweat.• big brawny arms• Topaz had pictured her as tall and brawny as befitted a martinet.• She had a husband, a great brawny brute of an ex R.A.F. pilot who knocked her about.• All night he parades up and down the bar like a brawny old cockerel.• He had a football player's physique: big head, thick neck, brawny shoulders, and heavy legs.• They pictured Soviet women as hammer-throwers, brawny six-footers who work in brick factories.• The gardener's assistant arrived -- a brawny youth who never said a word.brawn·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  strong very and Corpus large




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