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单词 traditionalist
释义 Word family  noun tradition traditionalist traditionalism adjective traditional traditionalist adverb traditionally  tra·di·tion·al·ist /trəˈdɪʃənəlɪst/ AWL noun [countable]  CONVENTIONALsomeone who respects tradition and does not like change 传统主义者,崇尚传统者;传统守旧的人 —traditionalist adjectiveExamples from the Corpustraditionalist• Ray, on the other hand, is more of a traditionalist.• I'm something of a traditionalist myself, I'd much rather use pen and paper than a word-processor.• Some of these are avowed traditionalists.• There will be traditionalists who lament the change, but the company's founder was no traditionalist.• For traditionalists, Marks has included all the familiar recipes as well.• The government looked so vulnerable that even irreproachable traditionalists among the landowning nobility concluded that political reform was inescapable.• There are still many traditionalists in the church who strongly oppose the idea of women priests.• Voters here have always been drawn to against-the-grain outsiders who make a career of thumbing their noses at party traditionalists.• And now the one the players have chosen themselves on a split vote is sure to anger the traditionalists.• The traditionalists who cling to uptight Wall Street business wardrobes and rooms full of Hepplewhite reproductions are exiled to style Siberia.tra·di·tion·al·ist nounChineseSyllable  not respects does who Corpus like tradition and someone




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