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单词 brainwave
释义  Related topics: Human, Animalsbrain·wave /ˈbreɪnweɪv/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  IDEA British English a sudden clever idea 灵感,突然想到的妙计 SYN American English brainstorm I’ve had a brainwave! Let’s go this weekend instead. 我有好主意!我们改在这个周末去吧。► see thesaurus at idea2. HBHan electrical force that is produced by the brain and that can be measured 脑电波Examples from the Corpusbrainwave• He might get a brainwave during school, or he might end up selling it to Desperate Dan.• But then he had a brainwave.• Unless someone comes up with a brainwave soon, I can't see how we can possible get out of this mess.• Clark then wrote up the experiment, which appeared to confirm his initial brainwave, and submitted it to Nature.• Yet that is exactly what the Prime Minister seemed to be doing when he unveiled his latest brainwave.• It had been Arthur's brainwave in the night; they must know Clare's second name, and address.• Bibby's brainwave for Badger's bins Redundant storage bins at Wilton have a new use - as havens for badgers.• She tensed, struck by a sudden brainwave.brain·wave nounChineseSyllable  idea Corpus clever sudden a




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