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单词 Differently
1. Men and women use their brains differently, but that their brains may actually be designed differently. 
2. Can't you think of it differently?
3. Words written alike are often pronounced differently.
4. Different people might interpret events differently.
5. Men in liquor must be handled differently.
6. Different lawyers may construe the same law differently.
7. They behave differently when you're not around.
8. If I was in charge, I'd do things differently.
9. Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.
10. People today think differently.
11. People pronounce the word differently in this part of the country.
12. The male bird has a differently shaped head.
13. Things could have turned out quite differently.
14. Risks are perceived differently by different people.
15. We know the French order things differently.
16. I see things differently now.
17. Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.
18. With hindsight, we'd all do things differently.
19. My generation behaves differently from my father's and grandfather's.
20. In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.
21. Having a child makes you see things differently.
22. Boys and girls may behave differently.
23. People tend to behave differently in different social settings.
24. You've had your hair done differently.
25. The Americans look at life differently from the British.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Parents still tend to treat boys differently from girls.
27. I would have phrased it quite differently.
28. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently
29. Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.
30. With the benefit of hindsight , we would do things differently.
1. Can't you think of it differently?
2. Words written alike are often pronounced differently.
3. Different people might interpret events differently.
4. Men in liquor must be handled differently.
5. Different lawyers may construe the same law differently.
6. They behave differently when you're not around.
7. If I was in charge, I'd do things differently.
8. Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.
9. Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.
10. With the benefit of hindsight , we would do things differently.
11. People today think differently.
12. In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.
31. I should have phrased my question differently.
32. It is important to remember that each person reacts differently.
33. If I could turn the clock back and do things differently, I would.
34. I am always interested in how differently people can look at the same event.
35. Words are pronounced differently in isolation from how they are pronounced in context.
36. The twins were dressed differently and one was thinner than the other.
37. I didn't expect to be treated any differently from anyone else.
38. In some respects the African mind works rather differently from the occidental one.
39. The two words are spelled differently, but pronounced the same.
40. Americans would probably react differently to the war if it was in their own back yard.
41. The legal system operates very differently in the US and Britain.
42. If I'd had children I might have looked at things differently.
43. As students of chemistry know, even small rearrangements of a molecule's structure can produce a compound that acts differently.
44. These figures work out differently each time I add them.
45. I dinned it into him that he had to manage things differently.
46. If I had written the letter, I might have worded it differently.
47. Schoolchildren are quick to gang up on anyone who looks or behaves differently.
48. I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased it differently.
49. You'll feel differently about it when the time comes .
50. The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.
51. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently.
52. Every individual learns differently.
53. 'Rain' and 'reign' are pronounced the same even though they are spelt differently.
54. It is stated differently but amounts to the same thing.
55. Tim and I use butter differently,(http:///differently.html) too.
56. The second generation may behave quite differently.
57. Yes, I am behaving differently since the survey.
58. Like great artists they see the world differently.
59. Supreme Court cases were decided differently.
60. Sound behaves quite differently to light.
61. So why should visitors be expected to behave differently?
62. In what ways will bosses act or behave differently?
63. Even within the world of mass-produced culture, it is possible to approach the question of standardization differently.
64. The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
65. And what would those involved do differently if starting out now-or avoid at all costs?
66. I believe him, and still I wish he had behaved differently.
67. How can you blame a person for his fears and weaknesses unless you have felt the same and done differently? Amy Tan 
68. Furthermore, most people actually believe that they will feel and behave differently under hypnosis.
69. Words differently arranged have different meanings, and meanings differently arranged have different effects. Blaise Pascal 
70. Gratitude is the beginning of wisdom. Stated differently, true wisdom cannot be obtained unless it is built on a foundation of true humility and gratitude. Gordon B. Hinckley 
71. In what follows I shall claim that postmodern cultural forms do indeed signify, only that they signify differently.
72. Of course different cultures and nations approached the problem differently.
73. The search for a comparison is important because the high court has handled indecency cases differently depending on the medium.
74. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Warren Buffett 
75. Given that male albatrosses have the same genetic incentives as male elephant seals, why do they behave so differently?
76. "Everyone knows they're going to die", he said again, "but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently". Mitch Albom 
77. Due to these different perspectives these managers may behave differently towards subordinates.
78. Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Terry Pratchett 
79. She began sleeping back in her own bed more often after that, and in general behaving differently towards me.
80. I pointed out at the beginning that the Lindop committee had said that suspicions should be dealt with differently.
81. She was alone in the boat now, and the boat moved differently.
82. Every political system defines its boundaries of legitimate action differently.
83. Consequently, Julius Caesar was dressed in Elizabethan costume because no one thought that he ought to be dressed any differently.
84. The different scales of manufacture can give products which behave differently on stability tests.
85. Herta starts to breathe differently as we kiss; she is always self-possessed; every move of mine is coldly monitored.
86. Crying women had always annoyed him( ), and he briefly wondered why McAllister's tears should affect him so differently.
87. Furthermore, the same acoustic information can be perceived differently depending on its higher-level context.
88. A feminist might interpret a text very differently from an army officer, for example; or a teenager from his parent.
89. The colour coding was linked to differently shaped symbols for different types of material.
90. He had a different channel to set up and he was determined to do it differently.
91. When in contact with water, however, the materials behave quite differently.
92. Do women and men who are in authority control situations differently?
93. Later critics have also emphasised the way in which viewers interpret advertisements differently, depending on their experiences and cultural knowledge.
94. There were many voices, screaming differently, loudly raised in a badly orchestrated cantata.
95. He would not have gone to Munich himself, he said, but he praised Chamberlain's courage for acting differently.
96. Certainly no other nineteenth-century artist was so widely studied and so differently interpreted by the painters of the succeeding age.
97. My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
98. In the case of the majority popular culture which the Committee seeks to de-legitimize, the situation is seen very differently.
99. Had their rough-and-tumbles not been as he recalled, had their Blind Man's Buff ended differently?
100. Not that he will behave differently right away, but it makes him feel good, and this is a tough business.
101. Children who think mathematically design boats and plan holidays differently, they shop for birthday presents and cook cakes differently.
102. The content of the release Does the release need to be angled differently for the different sections of the list?
103. A differently composes Court of Appeal rejected an appeal by the local authority on the substantive questions.
104. Mistakes concerning elements within the bracket are however regarded differently, being non-jurisdictional at most.
105. Spending on capital items and allowances for depreciation also affected the cash flow differently last year.
106. They adjourned the case and directed that it be heard before a differently constituted bench of three justices.
107. It has been previously shown that the expression of integrins is differently diminished in a chain-specific manner in human colorectal cancer.
108. Or to put it differently, he saw in nature a storehouse of artistic forms.
109. The rates are cheaper than those of full-service brokers. Discount brokers, however, all calculate their charges differently.
110. Since everyone knows that people of different backgrounds speak differently, why this selective appreciation?
111. Or, to put this all differently ... Pattern-notes arrange information spatially to create memorable and coherent patterns.
112. Children can behave quite differently in different settings or with different people.
113. He was deathly pale and obviously still in the first shock of grief but it had taken him differently.
114. They then distort the long-wave pattern which is controlling them, causing the next short-wave disturbances to move differently.
115. No convincing reason has been given for treating onshore and offshore workers differently - often by the same company.
116. As people in other staff agencies sought to perform differently and better they also improvised, learned(http://), and changed.
117. Poor Jonas' death was a blessing in disguise, though one could wish it had happened differently.
118. He dressed differently too - he wore a collar and tie while their shirts were collarless.
119. Individual cells have to develop differently in order to make any biological organism.
120. Less obvious to many parents is that children comprehend what they see very differently also.
121. And it's a kind of black art anyway - everyone did a bit differently.
122. If the same circumstances arose now, would you behave any differently?
123. In accruals accounting, however, the three categories are dealt with differently.
124. Would you believe that the sight of her in that condition made me feel differently about her?
125. She thinks differently about her athletic career than 99 percent of the others in the world.
126. Had they been given a more accurate picture of what was actually taking place, would they have reacted differently?
127. But sea slug goes about It'slightly differently.
128. The Balkan pair view Russia differently.
129. Each greenhouse gas absorbs heat differently.
130. Perhaps Col . Nicholson defines the word differently.
131. Different SOAP toolkits treat this HTTP header field differently.
132. Conventionally armed brigades are treated differently.
133. Different WWW servers have implemented hypertext browsing programs differently.
134. Soybeans are handled differently from cereal grains.
135. In addition , elutriation, growth, shrinkage and reaction act differently for the different - sized particles in the bed.
136. Rhodium - plated Y - necklace with 2 differently sized Blue Zircon crystals; snake chain.
137. This extraordinary preamble to the worker's demands was received differently in four different quarters.
138. How does a suicide attempter eat differently from others ? Comparison of macronutrient intakes.
139. Factors including art and craft affect the lingerie product differently.
140. The structural and rheologic properties are differently intrinsic characteristics of soft soil.
141. On function basically as similar as ground glass, change differently grind arenaceous for gush arenaceous.
142. That wouldn't rescind the bonuses , just require AIG to account them differently.
143. To the success of such arise suddenly, different person has unscramble differently.
144. But researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center see things a little differently.
145. Put differently, the British love France - its cities, its villages , its countryside,( ) its art de vivre.
146. A posteriori, what could you have done differently to improve your performance in this simulation?
147. An introvert's brain is literally wired differently than an extrovert's!
148. After lunch, a rather mortifying family tradition. They do things differently in bourgeois bohemia.
149. Even if the lines ins are initially indented differently, this recipe makes their indentation homogeneous.
150. Do fast - growing LDCs behave differently technologically from slower growers?
151. Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.
152. They really seem to understand that you would think differently from a typical church member.
153. A onetime dose may affect the body differently than daily consumption.
154. In the other province with country coastal southeast, also degree is put differently in similar case.
155. Its meaning and the content have differently along with time vicissitude.
156. Just because your dress differently than others does not mean that you are non - conformist.
157. Contrast, adaption, think differently, that all I want to say.
158. Wealth managers seem to treat you differently when you are an entrepreneur.
159. The incest taboo is generally universal, although it is imposed differently in different societies.
160. Under different traffic stress, growth and phenotypic of Shanghai JD - 1 Zoysia decreased differently.
161. One hundred sixty - eight differently expressed genes were found in the tumor specimen dealed with basil polysaccharide.
162. Obviously the chain structure will affect the diffusion - controlled and chemically - controlled termination processes differently.
163. Monitor color and actuality eyeball color can be seen differently.
164. Spreadsheets also use contiguous selection but implement It'somewhat differently than word processors do.
165. Each tool implements the merging of branches a little differently.
166. Alberts counters: " Would you act differently if someone a cardiac arrest? "
167. The word " right " and " write " are spelt differently but they are pronounced the same.
168. Why? A simple sentence can make someone feel so differently?
169. You know there are 88 and no - one can tell you differently.
170. Selects the material differently to divide into PVC and the natural rubber air cushion.
171. The words are spelt differently and they mean quite different things.
172. The skeleton consists of differently shaped bones held together by ligaments.
173. Everything is starting to fall into place , and you are starting to understand things much differently.
174. Dr. Martin : Has the pain behaved differently? What color is your bowel movement ( bowel motion )?
175. Discriminatory trade barriers, those treating foreigners differently, have their own interesting kinds of effects.
176. These new English settlers looked and acted very differently from Powhatan's tribe.
177. In the process of research the collapsible loess, it get many differently methods.
178. They learn differently best through non - sequential interactive asynchronous multi - tasked and collaborative.
179. The floor levels are relative and spatiality is perceived differently according to one's position.
180. They still get treated differently from almost every other contemporary British band.
181. Try socializing a bit differently, and be out and about much more.
182. The temperature difference is so contrastive that I have to dress differently in a day.
183. I think if you were a woman you might feel a mite differently.
184. But the two candidates have also reacted differently under fire.




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