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单词 bombastic
释义  bom·bas·tic /bɒmˈbæstɪk $ bɑːm-/ adjective  SLbombastic language contains long words that sound important but have no real meaning 辞藻华丽空洞的 He is best known for three rather bombastic poems. 他以三首辞藻华丽空洞的诗歌最为知名。 —bombast /ˈbɒmbæst $ ˈbɑːm-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbombastic• Of course, this kind of thing can become bombastic and rhetorical.• There is nothing electric here, nothing bombastic nor blaring, as this is his first acoustic recording.• Derek is bombastic, opinionated and very happy to correct his wife in public.• His bombastic style made him unpopular with his colleagues.• Leavitt's bombastic, trivial films were completely phoney.• The bombastic, vainglorious Nivelle had virtually announced to the world his grandiose expectations, making the dreadful defeat doubly damaging.Origin bombastic (1700-1800) bombast “bombastic language” ((16-21 centuries)), from Old French bombace “soft material for filling something”, from Medieval Latin bombax “cotton”bom·bas·tic adjectiveChineseSyllable  bombastic sound long language that words contains Corpus




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