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单词 affectation
释义  af·fec·ta·tion /ˌæfekˈteɪʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable]  PRETENDa way of behaving, speaking etc that is not sincere or natural 装模作样,矫揉造作 Calling everyone ‘darling’ is just an affectation. 逢人就叫“亲爱的”很做作。Examples from the Corpusaffectation• Tact, in eighties Britain, has become an affectation.• It's an affectation I have.• Tim's fancy hairdo was an affectation left over from his younger days.• He has a bit too much affectation and too little prudence...• She has no affectation I am sure.• A pretty, rustic affectation of innocence that, to such as can not see into her, may pass well enough.• He was pale, of brusque manners, somewhat given to affectation, but of immaculate dress and generous to his enemies.• If there was one thing that he hated fervently it was affectation and cant.• Choose your phony accent, your affectation, the Stetson of country or the hoodie of·fec·ta·tion nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a of behaving, is way not speaking etc that




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