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单词 blood
释义 Word family  noun blood bleeding adjective bloodless bloody verb bleed  Related topics: Medicineblood1 /blʌd/ ●●● S2 W1 noun [uncountable]  1  IN YOUR BODYHMMthe red liquid that your heart pumps around your body 血,血液 Her body was found in a pool of blood. 她的尸体被发现倒在血泊之中。 Blood oozed from a cut on his forehead. 血从他额头的伤口里渗了出来。 Blood tests proved he was not the father. 验血证明他不是孩子的父亲。2  (have) somebody’s blood on your hands KILLto have caused someone’s death 双手沾着某人的鲜血 dictators with blood on their hands 双手沾满鲜血的独裁者3  in cold blood CRUELin a cruel and deliberate way 冷酷地,残忍地;蓄意地 Evans had been murdered in cold blood. 伊文斯被残酷谋杀。4  make somebody’s blood boil ANGRYto make someone extremely angry 使某人怒火中烧 The way they treat people makes my blood boil. 他们这样对人令我非常气愤。5. make somebody’s blood run cold FRIGHTENEDto make someone feel extremely frightened 令某人毛骨悚然6  like getting blood out of a stone GIVETELLalmost impossible 犹如从石头里榨油,犹如水中捞月 Getting the truth out of her is like getting blood out of a stone. 要她说出真话几乎是不可能的。7. blood is thicker than water FAMILYused to say that family relationships are more important than any other kind 血浓于水8. be after somebody’s blood ANGRYto be angry enough to want to hurt someone 恨透了某人;恨不得要了某人的命9  somebody’s blood is up British EnglishANGRY someone is extremely angry about something and determined to do something about it 某人动怒了,某人的怒气上来了 They tried to stop me, but my blood was up. 他们想拦着我,可我已是怒不可遏了。10  YOUR FAMILY/GROUPFAMILYthe family to which you belong from the time that you are born 血统,家世 There’s Irish blood on his mother’s side. 他母亲有爱尔兰血统。11. be/run in somebody’s blood FAMILYif an ability or tendency is in, or runs in, someone’s blood, it is natural to them and others in their family 是与生俱来的特征,是家族的遗传12  sweat blood WORK HARDto work extremely hard to achieve something 拼命工作,花很多心血 Beth sweated blood over that article. 贝丝花了很大的心血写那篇文章。13. blood, sweat, and tearssweat, and tears blood extremely hard work 血汗,极其艰辛的劳动14  new/fresh blood NEWnew members in a group or organization who bring new ideas and energy 新鲜血液,新生力量,新成员 We need to bring in some new blood and fresh ideas. 我们需要引进一些新成员和创新思想。15. blood on the carpet a situation where people have a very strong disagreement, with the result that something serious happens, such as someone losing his or her job 〔后果严重的〕重大不和16. young blood MAN old-fashioned a fashionable young man 时尚的年轻人17. spoken informal a way of greeting a friend, used by young men 你好啊〔年轻人的一种打招呼方式〕 → bad blood at bad1(27), → blue-blooded, red blood cell, white blood cell, → your own flesh and blood at flesh1(6), → shed blood at shed2(5) COLLOCATIONSverbslose blood (=from a cut or wound) 失血He had lost a lot of blood and was very weak. 他失血很多,非常虚弱。give/donate blood (=provide blood from your body for the medical treatment of other people) 捐血,献血The Health Service is asking for more people to donate blood. 医疗服务机构呼吁更多的人来献血。draw blood (=make someone bleed) 使出血,放血He touched me with the knife and it drew blood. 他用刀碰我,血流了出来。blood flows 血液流动A quick walk will get the blood in your legs flowing again. 快步行走会让你腿部的血液重新流动起来。blood trickles (=moves slowly) 鲜血滴流The blood was beginning to trickle down his leg. 血开始从他腿上一滴滴流下来。blood oozes (=comes out slowly) 血渗出Blood was oozing from her forehead. 鲜血从她额头上渗出来。be covered in blood 满是血His face was covered in blood. 他满脸是血。blood gushes/streams (=moves fast) 血喷出/涌出nA man was lying in the street with blood gushing from his head.nblood clots (=forms a mass and stops flowing)The blood should clot and stop the wound from caked with blood (=covered with dry blood) 结着血块nThe cat's fur was caked with spattered/splattered with blood (=covered with small spots of blood) 溅着血nToday the only sign of violence is the walls spattered with blood.blood + NOUNblood pressure (=the force with which blood moves through your body) 血压High blood pressure increases the risk of a heart attack. 高血压会增加心脏病发作的风险。somebody's blood type/group (=one of the different types of human blood) 某人的血型What blood type are you? 你是什么血型?a blood cell 血细胞The red blood cells carry oxygen. 红细胞输送氧气。a blood vessel (=a tube in your body through which blood flows) 血管nthe blood vessels that lead to the hearta blood clot (=a mass formed when blood dries or sticks together) 血凝块,血块nBlood clots in the legs are potentially fatal.nthe blood flowFat reduces the blood flow to the surface of the skin.the blood supply (=the blood that flows to a part of the body) 血液供应nthe blood supply to the braina blood test (=a test done on your blood to see if you have a disease or another condition) 验血a blood sample (=a small amount of blood taken from your body to test) 血样,血液样本a blood transfusion (=putting more blood in someone's body for medical reasons) 输血phrasesa drop of blood 一滴血Police found tiny drops of blood in the apartment. 警方在公寓内发现有细小的血滴。loss of blood 失血She suffered a massive loss of blood. 她大量失血。a pool of blood 一大摊血nA dark pool of blood was spreading from his head.a trickle of blood 滴流的鲜血nA trickle of blood was coming from his nose.Examples from the Corpusblood• There's French blood on his mother's side.• The temporary rise in blood pressure increases the oxygen requirements and creates an extra burden on the heart.• Now there are ways of making sure that infected blood isn't used in transfusions.• She lost a lot of blood in the accident.• The plant it was made from sprang up first when Prometheus' blood dripped down upon the earth.• During the procedure pulse rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation were recorded every minute by the research nurse.• Urine analysis, a red blood cell count, and blood pressure were also routinely recorded.• In Raynaud's disease, the blood supply to the fingers is faulty, leading to attacks of numbness and discomfort.• Businesses that clean up blood and guts at accident scenes must register with the state.• I remember it as if I were still standing there, streaked with blood and dust and tears, talking to her.blood2 verb [transitive]  British EnglishFIRST to give someone their first experience of an activity, especially a difficult or unpleasant one 使〔某人〕初次尝试〔尤指困难或令人不悦的事〕Examples from the Corpusblood• For I am writing this on Saturday evening, and already I have been blooded.• He has had a feverish complaint and has been blooded.• In which case it also seems a small price to pay for the next generation of senior managers to be blooded.• It was too long to go without being blooded.• Look how he blooded Speed and Batty ... he didnt chuck them in and hope for the best.Origin blood Old English blodblood1 noun →10-17 →COLLOCATIONS1blood2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  that your around Corpus the liquid your heart pumps red




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