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单词 blister pack
释义  ˈblister pack noun [countable]  a package that is made from hard clear plastic. It fits closely round the object inside it, and can hang on a hook. Blister packs are used so that customers in shops can see the things that are for sale without being able to touch them. 吸塑包装,透明塑料罩From Longman Business Dictionaryblister packblister pack (also bubble pack) [countable] a type of wrapping used for small objects, such as TABLETS, which separates and protects each object with a small plastic cover attached to a piece of cardBlister packs are difficult to recycle because the blisters are made of a different material from their backing. → packˈblister pack nounChineseSyllable  a Business clear hard from package is that plastic. made




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