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单词 yet
释义  yet1 /jet/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  UNTIL a) used in negative statements and questions to talk about whether something that was expected has happened 〔用于否定陈述句和疑问句,谈论预料中的某事是否已发生〕 I haven’t asked him yet (=but I will). 我还没有问他。 Has Edmund arrived yet? 埃德蒙到了吗? ‘Have you finished your homework?’ ‘Not yet.’ “你做完家庭作业了吗?”“还没有。” b) used in negative statements and questions to talk about whether a situation has started to exist 〔用于否定陈述句和疑问句,谈论某情况是否已开始存在〕 ‘How are you going to get there?’ ‘I don’t know yet.’ “你准备怎么去?”“我还不知道。” Women didn’t yet have the vote (=at that time). 当时妇女还没有选举权。 ‘Is supper ready?’ ‘No, not yet.’ “晚饭准备好了吗?”“还没有。”5 GRAMMAR 语法• In spoken English, yet usually comes at the end of the sentence. 在英语口语中,yet一般用于句子的末尾I haven’t finished my homework yet.我还没有完成家庭作业。• It can also come after ‘don’t/do not’, ‘hasn’t/has not’, ‘isn’t/is not’ etc, or before ‘why’, ‘whether’ etc. 它还可以用于don’t/do not,hasn’t/has not,isn’t/is not等之后,或why,whether等之前We do not yet have a solution to this problem.我们还没有找到这个问题的解决办法。• When a past event is being referred to, yet is usually used with perfect tenses, but it can be used with the simple past tense in informal American English. 说到过去的事件,yet一般和完成时连用,但是在非正式的美国英语中,它可以和一般过去时连用I haven’t decided yet whether to take part in the competition.我还没决定是否参加比赛。• Yet is used to say that something has not happened or a situation has not started to exist, or to ask if something has happened.  yet用于表示某事尚未发生或某种情形尚未出现,或用于询问某事是否已经发生Did Joe come back yet?乔回来了吗?• Still is used to say that an earlier situation has not changed. still用于表示早前的情形没有变化It isn’t time to go yet.还没到走的时候。• Already is used to emphasize that something has happened or a situation has started to exist. already用于强调某事已经发生,或某种情形已经开始出现Have you seen him yet?你见过他了吗?• It is also used in questions to show surprise that something has happened sooner than expected. already也用于疑问句中,表示因某事的发生早于预料而感到吃惊This system of naming is still used today (NOT 不说 yet used today).这种命名系统今天仍在使用。I still don’t understand.我还是不明白。He has already published two novels.他已经发表了两部小说。They already knew one another.他们已经互相认识了。Have you been there already?你已经去过那里了? GrammarWord order• In spoken English, yet usually comes at the end of the sentence: 在英语口语中,yet一般用于句子的末尾nThey haven’t finished the job yet.n• Yet can also come after ‘do not’, ‘have not’, ‘is not’ etc: nThey haven’t yet finished the job.n• Yet can also come before ‘why’, ‘whether’ etc: nThey haven’t decided yet whether to take part.Choosing the right tensen• In British English, yet is used with perfect tenses when referring to a past event: nHas Joe come back yet?n• In American English, the simple past can also be used: Did Joe come back yet? 乔回来了吗? USAGE: Yet, still, already•Yet is used to say that something has not happened or a situation has not started to exist: already用于强调某事已经发生,或某种情形已经开始出现It isn’t time to go yet. 还没到走的时候。n•Yet is also used to ask if something has happened: Have you seen him yet? 你见过他了吗?•Still is used to say that an earlier situation has not changed: still用于表示早前的情形没有变化nThis system is still used today.I still don’t understand. 我还是不明白。 ✗Don’t say: This system is yet used today.•Already is used to emphasize that something has happened or a situation has started to exist: already用于强调某事已经发生,或某种情形已经开始出现He has already published two novels. 他已经发表了两部小说。They already knew one another. 他们已经互相认识了。•Already is also used in questions to show surprise that something has happened sooner than expected: already也用于疑问句中,表示因某事的发生早于预料而感到吃惊nHas it all gone already?2  used in negative sentences to say that someone should not or need not do something now, although they may have to do it later 现在就〔用于否定句,表示某人做某事为时尚早〕 You can’t give up yet! 你还不能放弃! Don’t go yet. I like talking to you. 别这就走啊,我喜欢跟你说话。3  used to emphasize that something is even more than it was before or is in addition to what existed before 更,更甚;又〔强调比之前的更多或更进一步〕 SYN stillyet more/bigger/higher etc He got a call from the factory, telling of yet more problems. 他接到工厂打来的电话,说是又有更多问题出现。 Inflation had risen to a yet higher level. 通货膨胀又上升到了更高的水平。 yet another reason to be cautious 又一个需要谨慎的理由 The meeting has been cancelled yet again (=one more time after many others). 会议又一次被取消。4  the biggest/worst etc (something) yet used to say that something is the biggest, worst etc of its kind that has existed up to now 迄今为止最大的/最糟的等(某物) This could turn out to be our biggest mistake yet. 这或许是我们迄今所犯的最大错误。 Nordstrom’s latest novel looks like his best yet. 努德斯特伦的最新小说看来是他迄今写得最好的一部。5  as (of) yet NOWused when saying that something has not happened up to now 到目前为止 We’ve had no luck as yet. 到目前为止,我们还没什么运气。 on an as yet undecided date 在还未确定的某个日期6  months/weeks/ages yet TIME/HOW LONGused to emphasize how much time will pass before something happens, or how long a situation will continue 还要数月/周/年〔用于强调〕 ‘When’s your holiday?’ ‘Oh, not for ages yet.’ “你什么时候去休假?”“噢,不知何年何月呢。” It could be months yet before they know their fate. 可能要好几个月他们才能知道自己的命运。7  could/may/might yet do something used to say that something is still possible in the future, in spite of the way that things seem now 还是可能会做某事〔表示某事尽管现在似乎没有可能,将来还是有可能发生〕 We may win yet. 我们还是有可能会赢的。 The plan could yet succeed. 这个计划还是有可能会成功。8  somebody/something has yet to do something formal used to say that someone has not done something, or that something has not happened when you think it should already have been done or have happened 某人尚未做某事/某事尚未发生〔表示认为该做而未做或该发生而未发生〕 I have yet to hear Ray’s version of what happened. 我还没有听过雷对所发生的事的说法。 The bank has yet to respond to our letter. 银行尚未给我们回信。Examples from the Corpusyet• "Have you finished your homework?" "Not yet."• Did Steve call you yet?• Has the new washing machine arrived yet?• Have they said anything about the money yet?• The potatoes aren't quite ready yet.• Out into the sun yet again, into the noise, the crowd.• Denvir said neither the defense team nor the defense strategy had not yet been determined.• I haven't been to the new exhibit yet, but I hope to this weekend.• In this case, it was of yet more actors.Not yet• Unfortunately not; or not yet.• We exist, but we have not yet achieved the form that is our destiny.• It was her father, not yet alive.• Although this valley is only four hours away from London, it has not yet been discovered by tourists and artists.• PointCast, while a good idea, is not yet developed enough to be essential.• We do not yet know if these deductions are correct since they are as yet untested.• But all is not yet lost, fellow fans of the blue and goofy.• Make sure the brushes go back the right way up - match them with the side you have not yet removed.yet more/bigger/higher etc• In this case, it was of yet more actors.• In business and government there are countless committees and consultations and yet more conferences.• The answers were more selective recruitment and yet more discipline.• We have given the industry yet more encouragement in the Budget, by halving the special tax paid on new cars.• Police experts were sifting a stash of spare parts this week searching for the identities of yet more machines.• But then the door bursts open and yet more soldiers push into the room.• Each empty room made the next door yet more threatening.• Every time we went to see him he seemed to have yet more wires and tubes attached to his little body.yet2 ●●● W2 conjunction  BUTused to introduce a fact, situation, or quality that is surprising after what you have just said 但是,可是,然而〔用于在先前说过的内容之后引出令人惊讶的事实情况或品质〕 Kelly was a convicted criminal, yet many people admired him. 凯利是个已定罪的犯人,然而许多人很钦佩他。 She does not speak our language and yet she seems to understand what we say. 她不会说我们的语言,然而她似乎听得懂我们说什么。 a story that is strange yet true 一个怪诞但却真实的故事 an inexpensive yet effective solution to our problem 一个花钱不多但能有效解决我们的问题的方法Examples from the Corpusyet• Some battered women live in fear of their husbands, and yet are terrified to leave.• They charge incredibly high prices, yet customers keep coming back for more.• The sun was shining, yet it was quite cold.• Last summer there was a drought, yet some people were still watering their lawns every day.and yet• And yet, almost without exception, they obey the convention that clear blue skies are good and precipitation is not.• Hari knew it was mostly done to help Craig and yet Edward Morris seemed to like her work a great deal.• And yet, in the present instance the analogies are truly striking.• The book is full of the Bible, and yet is an essay in Church order.• And yet most remarkable of all is his coolness in the face of massive inexperience.• And yet, the community entered the 1950s in a mood of almost giddy optimism.• And yet this is just what we must do.• And yet, this plagiarist had gotten all the credit, and the money.Origin yet1 Old English gietyet1 adverb →5 GRAMMAR1 →GRAMMAR2 →USAGE1yet2 conjunctionLDOCE OnlineChinese  statements questions to negative used talk Corpus whether and about in




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