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单词 yes
释义  yes1 /jes/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb spoken  1  YESanswer to question/statement 回应疑问句/陈述句 a) used as an answer to say that something is true or that you agree 是,对〔表示某事物是真的或表示同意〕 OPP no ‘Is that real gold?’ ‘Yes.’ “那是真金吗?”“是的。” ‘It was a great show.’ ‘Yes, it was.’ “节目很棒。”“是的,的确很棒。” b) used as an answer to a question or statement containing a negative, to say that the opposite is true 不〔用于回应否定疑问句或否定陈述,表示反驳〕 ‘Sarah isn’t very intelligent, is she?’ ‘Yes, she is (=in fact, she is intelligent)!’ “萨拉不是很聪明,是吗?”“不,她很聪明!” ‘There isn’t any cereal left.’ ‘Yes, there is – it’s in the cupboard.’ “没有麦片了。”“不,还有——在碗橱里。2  answer to offer/invitation 回应提议/邀请 used as an answer to say that you want something or want to do something 好的,是的〔表示想要某物或想要做某事〕 OPP no ‘Would you like a sandwich?’ ‘Yes, please.’ “你想来个三明治吗?”“好的,谢谢。” ‘Would you like to come with us?’ ‘Yes, I’d love to.’ “你想和我们一起去吗?”“好的,我很乐意。”3  YESanswer to request 回应请求 used as an answer to say that you will do something, or that someone may do or have something 好的,可以〔表示愿意或允许〕 OPP no ‘Can I have a glass of water?’ ‘Yes, of course.’ “可以给我一杯水吗?”“当然可以。” He proposed to me and I said yes. 他向我求婚,我答应了。4  yes, but ...but ... yes spoken used to show that you agree with what someone has said, but there is another fact to consider 是的,不过…〔表示同意某人的说法,但还有其他因素要考虑〕 ‘There are still a lot of problems with Jeff’s proposal.’ ‘Yes, but it’s the best one we have.’ “杰夫的方案还有许多问题。”“是的,不过这是我们现有的最好方案了。”5  ready to listen/talk 准备好听/说ANSWER/REPLY used to show that you have heard someone or are ready to speak to someone 〔表示听到某人说话或准备开口〕 ‘Mike?’ ‘Yes?’ “迈克?”“什么事?” Yes sir, how can I help you? 是,先生,我能为您做些什么?6  listening 正在听 used to show that you are listening to someone and want them to continue 嗯,噢〔表示正在听,并希望说话人继续〕 ‘And so I tried phoning him ...’ ‘Yes ...’ “因此我就试着打电话给他……”“噢……”7  excited/happy 兴奋的/高兴的 used to show that you are very excited or happy about something 好啊〔表示兴奋或高兴〕 Yes! Rivaldo’s scored again! 好!里瓦尔多又得分啦!8  oh yes spoken a) used to show that you do not believe what someone is saying 真的〔表示不相信某人说的话〕 ‘There’s nothing going on between me and Jane. We’re just good friends.’ ‘Oh yes?’ “我和简之间什么事也没有,我们只是好朋友。”“噢,是吗?” b) used to show that you have remembered something 噢,对了〔表示记起某事〕 Where’s my umbrella? Oh yes – I left it in the car. 我的伞呢? 噢,对了——我把它落在车里了。9  emphasis 强调 used to emphasize that you mean what you have just said, even though it is surprising 是的,对的〔用于强调前面说的令人惊讶的事实〕 It took ten years – yes, ten whole years – to complete. 花了十年才完成——是呀,整整十年。 Yes, you heard me correctly – I said 1921. 对的,你没有听错——我是说 1921 年。10  yes, yesyes yes spoken ANNOYused to show annoyance when someone is talking to you and you do not want to listen 好的,好的〔表示不耐烦〕 ‘And don’t forget to lock the door!’ ‘Yes, yes, OK.’ “还有,别忘了锁门!”“好,好,好的。”11  yes and no spoken CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDused to show that there is not one clear answer to a question 既是又不是〔表示难以明确答复〕 ‘Were you surprised?’ ‘Well, yes and no. I knew they were planning something, but I wasn’t sure what.’ “你觉得惊讶吗?”“嗯,既惊讶又不惊讶。我知道他们在计划着什么,但又不确定是什么。 → yeahExamples from the Corpusyes• He asked me to marry him and I said yes.• If your definition is elastic enough, then the answer is yes.• Of the 20 lawmakers who received the most money from the credit card industry, 19 voted yes.• The answer appears to be a resounding yes.• Yes, sir, how can I help you?• His propensity for saying yes when no would have been more appropriate kept getting the partnership into trouble.said yes• After a while I asked her whether she was all right and she said yes.• And you, being you and so sweet, said yes.• He asked me to marry him and I said yes.• In a concurring opinion, Judge Newman said yes.• No less than half of them said yes.• Thrilled and flattered, I said yes.• Teary voiced, Alistair said yes and thanked her.• But the City Council once more said yes, and the building was enlarged.Related topics: Votingyes2 noun (plural yeses or yesses) [countable]  PPVa vote, voter, or reply that agrees with an idea, plan, law etc 赞成票;赞成者;赞成 OPP no According to the latest opinion poll, the noes have 60%, and the yeses have 40%. 根据最新的民意调查,反对者占60%,赞成者占40%。 —yes adjective a yes vote 一张赞成票Examples from the Corpusyes• There were a total of five yeses and three noes.Origin yes1 Old English geseyes1 adverbyes2 nounChinese  is something as true to Corpus say answer an used that




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