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单词 cream
释义  Related topics: Food, Hair & beautycream1 /kriːm/ ●●● S2 noun  1  DF[uncountable] a thick yellow-white liquid that rises to the top of milk 奶油;乳脂 fresh cream 鲜奶油 strawberries and cream 浇奶油的草莓2. [uncountable] a pale yellow-white colour 奶油色,淡黄色3  [countable, uncountable]DF used in the names of foods containing cream or something similar to it 含奶油食品 cream of chicken soup 奶油鸡汤4  [countable, uncountable]DCBMH a thick smooth substance that you put on your skin to make it feel soft, treat a medical condition etc 护肤霜;雪花膏 → lotion sun cream 防晒霜 face cream 面霜5  the cream of something BESTthe best people or things from a group 中的精英,…中的精华 the cream of Europe’s athletes 欧洲的运动员精英 The students at this college are the cream of the crop (=the best of all). 这所学院的学生是天之骄子。n COLLOCATIONStypes of creamsingle cream British English (=thin cream that you can pour easily)double cream British English, heavy cream American English (=thick cream)whipping cream (=that becomes thick when you beat it)clotted cream British English (=very thick cream that you cannot pour)sour/soured cream (=with a slightly sour taste – used in cooking)fresh creamUse about 100ml of fresh cream.thick cream British EnglishPour some thick cream over the strawberries.whipped cream (=made thick and light by beating it)verbswhip/whisk/beat the cream (=make it thicker by beating it)Whip the cream until it is thick and light.serve something with creamServe the apple tart warm with thick cream.cream + NOUNa cream cake/bun British English (=a cake with cream inside)a cream tea British English (=tea with small cakes called scones, that you eat with cream and jam)Examples from the Corpuscream• banana cream pie• A merit of the product is that it lacks the fat and, therefore, the calories of cream.• The doctor gave me some cream to put on my rash.• Serve with apple sauce, sour cream or jam.• Sure enough, there came the dollop of raspberry-stained cream.• Do you take cream or sugar in your coffee?• Allow the gelatine to cool, then add to the trout cream. 7.• The fresh cheese with cream was all we, or at any rate I, wanted.Related topics: Colourscream2 adjective  1 CCpale yellow-white in colour 奶油色的,淡黄色的 a cream-coloured carpet 奶黄色的地毯Examples from the Corpuscream• Her mouth, a nullity, a bland smear of beige on cream enamel.• This was cut from a piece of linen texture board and then backed with some cream silk.• A female clerk in the advertising department owned up to a cream skirt.Related topics: Cookingcream3 verb [transitive]  1  DFCto mix foods together until they become a thick soft mixture 把…搅成糊状 Cream the butter and sugar together. 把黄油和糖调成糊状。2  BEAT/DEFEAT American English informal to easily defeat someone in a game, competition etc 彻底打败 We got creamed 45–6. 我们以 6 比 45 输得一塌糊涂。3. to hit a ball very hard, for example in a game of tennis or cricket 〔网球、板球等中〕猛击4. American English informal to hit someone very hard 痛击〔某人〕5 cream somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb especially British English BESTto choose the best people or things from a group, especially so that you can use them for your own advantage 选取〔最佳的人或物〕 The best students are creamed off by the large companies. 最优秀的学生都被大公司挑走了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscream• I was getting creamed in dodgeball.• Akram pounces on it, creaming it to the Tavern rope.• He wondered how much Lorton's mate had creamed off on top of his percentage.• This encouraged providers to cream off the easiest to serve, and led to severe criticism.• Next, cream the butter and sugar.• The Cougars creamed us last creamed• I would be the one who got creamed by a fast car.Origin cream1 (1300-1400) Old French craime, cresme, from Latin cramumcream1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1cream2 adjectivecream3 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  to rises thick a Corpus that liquid yellow-white the




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