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单词 blink
释义  Related topics: Humanblink1 /blɪŋk/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]HBH to shut and open your eyes quickly 眨(眼) I blinked as I came out into the sunlight. 我走出来,在太阳光下直眨眼睛。2  [intransitive]SHINE if lights blink, they shine unsteadily or go on and off quickly 〔灯光〕时闪时灭,闪烁 The light on your answering machine is blinking. 你电话答录机上的指示灯在闪。3  not (even) blink DON'T CAREto not seem at all surprised 丝毫不惊奇 When I told her how much it would cost, she didn’t even blink. 当我告诉她这个要多少钱时,她甚至连眼睛都没眨一下。4. before you could blink spokenFAST/QUICK extremely quickly 一眨眼,霎时间5  blink back/away tears to shut and open your eyes in order to get rid of tears 眨眼控制泪水 Lynn laughed, blinking back unexpected tears. 琳恩笑了,眨眨眼睛,抑制住了突如其来的泪水。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusblink• When I got in, the message light on my answering machine was blinking.• He went over to her and saw that her eyes were staring into the sun without blinking.• He blinked as he walked out into the bright sunshine.• Cranston tightened his lips, blinking his eyes furiously as he always did when the tears threatened to return.• The neon lights on the theater blinked red and blue.• Williams blinked repeatedly throughout the process, Groves said.• That is, the rabbit still blinks to the air puff but not to the tone.• Blood had begun to run into the corner of his eye and he blinked to try and clear his vision.• Paige blinked up at the furious male figure above her.Related topics: Humanblink2 noun  1  on the blink spokenBROKEN not working properly 失灵,出毛病 My computer’s on the blink again. 我的电脑又出问题了。2. in the blink of an eye FAST/QUICKvery quickly 一眨眼工夫,转眼之间3. [countable]HBH the action of quickly shutting and opening your eyes 眨眼Examples from the Corpusblink• In the corner of his eye Ezra saw the answer light, a blink in open water.• The mayor declared with nary a blink.• Every blink conforms to the causal laws of this physical movement.• Just a slow blink and a shuffling step backward.• I had read somewhere that all the greatest discoveries had been made in the blink of an eye.Origin blink1 (1500-1600) Middle Dutch blinken “to shine”blink1 verbblink2 nounChinese  shut open quickly Corpus your and eyes to




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