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单词 executive
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Government, Organizationsex·ec·u·tive1 /ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable]  1  BOMANAGERa manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions 〔机构或公司的〕主管,经理 a marketing executive 营销主管senior/top executive top executives on high salaries 领取高薪的高层主管 → Chief Executive2. the executive PGthe part of a government that makes sure decisions and laws work well 〔政府的〕行政部门 → judiciary, legislature3  PGSSO British English a group of people who are in charge of an organization and make the rules 〔机构的〕领导层,执行委员会 the union’s executive 工会的领导层Examples from the Corpusexecutive• Clifford, a former congressman, is now an executive for a large charity.• Such an executive we call non-parliamentary or fixed.• But it is not clear whether Peter Bullock, the chief executive of Neill, will be staying.• Chief executives meet with legislators and constituents to discuss proposed programs and encourage their support.• a senior company executive• We were visited by a young, dynamic executive from a small computer company.• a psychiatrist who specializes in executive stress• Certainly, Palm is increasingly targeting not only executives but the companies they work for.• He also managed personal accounts for certain senior executives of Pier 1, PairGain and other companies.• Some senior executives have been accused by minority shareholders of mismanagement, nepotism, and of presiding over asset-stripping.• Power is shared between three main branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.• In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the executive.senior/top executive• General managers and top executives work to ensure that their organizations meet these objectives.• Graham Brown, vice president and treasurer; and Jack Driscoll, senior executive of corporate strategic planning.• For top executives, the discount can be as high as 30 percent or 40 percent.• Region by region and division by division, the company's most senior executives had been grilled about their online investment plans.• Fitzsimmons was named senior executive vice president, and it appeared his coaching days were over.• Only 36 percent of managers and executives received double-digit pay rises, though top executives did markedly better.Related topics: Companiesexecutive2 ●●○ adjective [only before noun]  1  DECIDErelating to the job of managing a business or organization and making decisions 〔公司或机构〕行政的,管理的 a commission with executive powers 有执行权的委员会executive body/committee etc (=a group of people who have the power to make decisions) 主管机构/委员会等2  BBCMANAGERfor the use of people who have important jobs in a company 供主管人员使用的 the executive dining-room 管理人员饭厅3  EXPENSIVEexpensive and designed for people who earn a lot of money 高档的;豪华的executive cars/homes etc 豪华汽车/豪宅等 executive toys (=objects to play with at work) 〔放在办公室案头的〕小玩意Examples from the Corpusexecutive• Determine how skills can be obtained and take executive action either to recruit or to develop existing staff.• Howard Patrick, executive administrator of Cannon County, has been determined to turn things around.• In the twentieth century, however, presidents had increasingly made use of executive agreements as instruments of foreign policy.• an executive committee• While productivity, profits, executive pay and the stock market keep going up, workers' incomes keep going down.• Robert Altman is one of its executive producers.• I conduct executive searches for senior-level management, so I know a fair bit about how these companies are managed.• We have too many executive sessions and conferences and retreats.• The accounts also provide details of the gains so far on executive share options in the merged company.• the executive washroomexecutive powers• The council would assume legislative, judicial and executive powers.• Only a Legal Service Commission with executive powers could do the necessary research and co-ordination job.• In the past few days Mr Delors has signalled his determination to boost the executive powers held by Brussels.• There is also a national advisory body, without executive powers, the Bishops' Committee on Church Music.• On Oct. 30 Yeltsin made an appeal for stronger executive powers to implement his economic reforms.• The concentration of executive powers was a leading source of criticism heard by the delegation.• Elections to district assemblies with executive powers were held in December 1988 and January and February 1989.executive cars/homes etc• Six spacious executive homes by Berkeley at Brightwell near Wallingford have also been well received by early visitors to the site.• The main reason is that most executive cars in Britain are bought by companies for their managers and directors.• The company, best known for its executive homes, is diversifying into mixed-use sites on brownfield land.From Longman Business Dictionaryexecutiveex‧ec‧u‧tive1 /ɪgˈzekjətɪv/ noun [countable]1JOBsomeone who has an important job as a manager in a company or businessShe is Scottish Power’s most senior woman executive.a senior executive with a major pharmaceuticals companyOne of the BBC’s top executives was working under a freelance contract. → see also Active Corps of Executives → account executive → advertising executive → chief executive → legal executive2the executive the part of a government responsible for taking decisions on policy, running the government etc, rather than for making lawsan audit on behalf of both the legislative and the executive3a government organization responsible for deciding policy and taking decisions to do with one particular thing → Health and Safety Executive4the group of people in a political organization, society etc that make the rules and make sure that they work in the way that was plannedThe executive deferred a decision on his future until mid-January.a meeting of the Labour Party executive → national executiveexecutiveexecutive2 adjective [only before a noun]1connected with making decisions and managing and organizing things, especially within a company or governmentSome of the members of the executive board decided to rethink the organizational culture.When he reached the company’s retirement age of 60, he decided to give up his executive duties.the legislative and executive functions of government2for the use of people who have important jobs in the management of a company or businessThe Falcon 20 is one of the most versatile executive jets (=small jet planes for the use of a company’s top managers) flying in the world today.the executive lounge at Heathrow airportthe executive dining room3expensive and designed for people who earn a lot of moneyFor an executive car, the BMW’s depreciation is relatively low.ex·ec·u·tive1 nounexecutive2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  organization Corpus a Business company manager in or an




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