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单词 henchman
释义  hench·man /ˈhentʃmən/ noun (plural henchmen /-mən/) [countable]  SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANa faithful supporter of a political leader or a criminal, who is willing to do illegal things or use violence 〔政治领导人或罪犯的〕忠实支持者,党羽,喽,狗腿子,心腹Examples from the Corpushenchman• The Abrego henchmen hit on a seemingly foolproof idea.• Sinatra arrived and left in a helicopter with all his henchmen.• Franco and his henchmen had undoubtedly allowed the monarchists to stand in the hope that they would be discredited by defeat.• Bradley is shot at by the warden and his guards, as well as by the killer and his henchmen.Origin henchman (1300-1400) hengest “male horse” ((12-14 centuries)) (from Old English) + manhench·man nounChineseSyllable  a supporter faithful political a Corpus of leader




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