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单词 Judicial review
1. The case is subject to judicial review.
2. Greenpeace applied for a judicial review to challenge the court's decision.
3. Greenpeace will seek a judicial review if a full public enquiry is not held.
4. Mr Crowther asked for judicial review of the decision .
5. Mr. Page applied for judicial review of that decision.
6. There is the added safeguard of judicial review.
7. His Lordship articulated three grounds for judicial review: illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety.
8. The procedure by way of judicial review was simplified in 1977 and the number of applications rose considerably.
9. Laski's study of judicial review is particularly interesting since its primary focus is a study of Roberts v. Hopwood.
10. Woolwich challenged by judicial review the validity of the particular regulations which had this effect.
11. Technically, judicial review was available, but it was rarely used.
12. Mr. Handscomb and the other applicants for judicial review were serving discretionary life sentences.
13. Judicial review of administrative decisions by central or local government and certain other bodies is now commonplace.
14. Yet reference for the purposes of judicial review and for the purposes of construction are indistinguishable.
15. I would not afford the remedy of judicial review in all those cases - far from it.
16. The possibility of judicial review is constantly in the mind of Ministers and officials when preparing legislation and putting it into effect.
17. In practice, the preference for alternative remedies makes judicial review of little importance except in cases where there is no alternative.
18. There is before the court an application for judicial review.
19. Over the last 40 years, the courts have developed general principles of judicial review.
20. There is no right of appeal against the Commissioners decision, but the possibility of judicial review is available.
21. Accordingly, in my judgment, her claim falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor, subject always to judicial review.
22. It is in my opinion important to keep the purpose of judicial review clearly in mind.
23. With the development of rights of appeal against tribunal decisions, the significance of judicial review is diminishing in relation to such tribunals.
24. So they went to the High Court to challenge the decision and have been given leave to seek a judicial review.
25. On a renewed application for leave to move for what would now be called judicial review(), this court granted the application.
26. Mr Hanley will go to the High Court this morning in the hope of winning a last-minute judicial review.
27. The Multiple Sclerosis Society said that it may seek a judicial review if the decision is upheld.
28. It has also been held that non-statutory government advisory panels are subject to judicial review.
29. They show how diverse and important are the matters with which the rules and principles of judicial review deal.
30. In Court their barrister Ian Glen asked for a judicial review.
1. The case is subject to judicial review.
31. For the reasons which I have given, I would dismiss this application for judicial review.
32. The applicant sought judicial review of that decision, and the Divisional Court granted him relief in the form of a declaration.
33. A special mention should be made of the use of novel forms of clauses designed to exclude any possibility of judicial review.
34. The High Court will hold a judicial review to see if the inquest verdicts can be overturned.
35. A sixth relevant factor would be which of judicial review and the alternative procedure was likely to resolve the case more quickly.
36. The burden of proving that the authority had misused its powers rested with the applicant for judicial review.
37. It is concerned with defining the scope of judicial review.
38. Prior to Puhlhofer, failure to obtain leave to proceed by judicial review occurred in less than 10 percent of the applications.
39. In 1985 there were 66 applications for judicial review and the number was on the decline.
40. In recent years the concepts of natural justice and judicial review have been extended beyond the purely statutory sphere.
41. Throughout our history, judicial review has been a double-edged sword.
42. Different areas of legislation and regulation affect the likelihood of success for complainants in judicial review.
43. Mr. Page then applied by way of judicial review for an order quashing the visitor's decision.
44. This has recently been the subject of judicial review proceedings.
45. This book is based on the view that the general principles of judicial review of administrative action are worth studying.
46. To adopt an approach akin to that used in the United States would be fundamentally to alter the rationale for judicial review.
47. But the exercise of the powers conferred by the Act is subject to judicial review by the higher courts.
48. Argyll applied unsuccessfully for judicial review based on a restrictive view of the Commission's substantive and procedural powers.
49. However, it was thought that recourse to judicial review was likely to be rare.
50. The applicant sought judicial review of the Director's decision to seek to enforce compliance with the requirements of the notice.
51. Public law wrongs are defined by the rules establishing the substantive grounds of judicial review discussed in Section B below.
52. Judicial review is the key mechanism by which the decisions of public bodies or officers can be challenged.
53. Judicial review can be used to enforce those statutory limits.
54. Normally, a body is subject to judicial review if it is the creation of statute and performs public law duties.
55. The homeless persons sought judicial review of that resolution by the local authority.
56. The Council and the environmental health officer applied for judicial review seeking to quash the justices' order.
57. These courts were not subject to judicial review at all which only applied to administrative authorities and inferior courts.
58. If that goes against them, they could stall the process further by seeking a judicial review.
59. It is also clear that decisions and actions of the police can be challenged by way of an application for judicial review.
60. They immediately began proceedings for judicial review to challenge the validity of the Regulations.
61. The occupiers complained by way of judicial review that the warrant lacked particularity.
62. The tenant then applied to the Divisional Court by way of judicial review to quash the judge's decision.
63. But it is clear that the mere existence of an alternative remedy does not oust judicial review.
64. The number of applications for judicial review has none the less increased significantly over the past decade.
65. The judicial review procedure in the High Court is based on three tests: illegality; irrationality; and/or procedural impropriety.
66. The applicant then applied to the High Court for judicial review of these decisions.
67. Another important type of statutory ouster clause are clauses which set a time-limit on judicial review.
68. This is because, as we have seen, judicial review is not restricted in its scope to governmental bodies.
69. Judicial review of Panel decisions is much more limited in scope than this.
70. He took the view that the matters raised by the counterclaim would better have been raised by judicial review.
71. The line between the two is said to provide the justification for judicial review.
72. This is an awesome power that, even when exercised arbitrarily, will be immune from judicial review.
73. A spokesman said the consortium was considering a judicial review.
74. Judicial review may also come into play in the potentially fraught area of contracted-out services.
75. The court ordered certiorari following judicial review.
76. The applicant seeks judicial review to quash the order.
77. Inherent in judicial review are many functional limitations.
78. He applied for judicial review to quash the order.
79. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the order.
80. Judicial review is expensive and slow, and the outcome is never certain.
81. In the absence of any specific statutory review procedures, the grants a general right of judicial review of any adverse, final agency action .
82. What Modern administrative law focuses on is judicial review of administrative discretion.
83. Agency action made reviewable by statute and final agency action for which there is no adequate remedy in a court are subject to judicial review.
84. Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words.
85. The mechanism of judicial review is the core of the pretrial detention system in modern nations.
86. Some of the residents sought judicial review of that refusal.
87. Japanese judicial review system of constitutionality was transplanted in from the United States.
88. The emergency administration behavior judicial review intensity is to dash forward sending out the important component and necessary guarantee that administration rules by law under state of affairs.
89. The applicant seek judicial review to quash the bind - over order.
90. The judicial activism is often linked to judicial review and the explanation of the constitution.
91. On the other hand, overly intrusive judicial review is sometimes criticized for its undemocratic character.
92. The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court.
93. The third part analyses the subject, the condition and judicial review of arrestment, and has also mentioned erroneous arrest.
94. Extensively speaking, all administrative discretional acts should be subsumed into the scope of judicial review.
95. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin - dover order.
95. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
96. He applied for judicial review or for compensation or for an adjournment.
97. Persons aggrieved by refusal of an application can normally secure judicial review of the decision.
98. Public health groups seeking a judicial review of this legislation were recently joined by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health.
99. German compulsory measures base on protecting civil constitutional rights, follow the writ principles and judicial review principles to form a gradational , perfect compulsory measure system.
100. In addition to procedural checks on discretion, informal action is usually subject to judicial review.
101. The case law is very important in the Judicial Review in EC Law.
102. Judicial Review is a basic feature in modern law-governing society.
103. The high court dismissed two claims for judicial review, dismaying McKinnon's family and supporters.
104. The article claims that power of judicial review of the Supreme Court of the United States performs significant balancing function.
105. One restriction on agency action takes the form of judicial review.
106. Nor did it provide an opportunity for judicial review to those who might be adversely affected.
107. The protection before the matters consists of legislative protection and administrative protection . The protection after the matters is mainly the judicial review.
108. The judicial review on the Lanner case will be held in October.




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