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单词 middle name
释义  ˌmiddle ˈname ●●○ noun [countable]  1. NAME OF A PERSONthe name that is between your first name and your family name 中间名〔名和姓之间的名字〕2  something is somebody’s middle name informalCHARACTER/PERSONALITY used to say that someone has a personal quality very strongly 某种品质是某人的突出特点 Don’t worry – discretion is my middle name. 不要担心——小心谨慎是我的突出特点。Examples from the Corpusmiddle name• Once you did something notorious, they tagged you with an extra name, a middle name that was ordinarily never used.• They share the same middle name.• Partisanship should be their middle name.• Let's just say this: Pretension is thy middle name.ˌmiddle ˈname nounChineseSyllable  between your name name Corpus the that is and your first




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