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单词 wobbly
释义  wob·bly1 /ˈwɒbli $ ˈwɑː-/ adjective  1  BALANCEmoving unsteadily from side to side 摇摆的,摇晃的 a wobbly table 摇摇晃晃的桌子2. informalWEAK if you or your legs feel wobbly, you feel weak and unable to keep your balance 〔身体或腿〕摇摇晃晃的 SYN shaky3. QUIETSHAKEa wobbly voice is weak and shakes, especially because you feel frightened or upset 〔尤因感到害怕或不安而声音〕微弱颤抖的 SYN shaky4  not very good or not likely to be successful 不太好的;不大可能成功的 SYN shaky The meeting yesterday got off to a wobbly start. 昨天的会议开头不顺利。Examples from the Corpuswobbly• As I stood up, I began to feel a little wobbly.• The front wheels on the car seem wobbly.• All that they did was make the room slightly wobbly.• His stroke was wobbly and the ball was headed straight for the left lip.• At Dance Energy, wobbly audience figures have prompted a remix.• Miguel got up, all wobbly because of the rum.• The plot may be a bit wobbly, but no more than O'Donnell's acting.• a wobbly chair• My inappropriate clothes, my rumpled yen, even the wobbly fusuma all seemed to signal how out of place I was.• Don't sit on that chair -- it's got a wobbly leg.• She still felt a bit wobbly on her legs and she knew too that she could do with a holiday.• The railing is wobbly, the space is so small that it is suitable only for one person.wobbly2 noun  throw a wobbly British English informalANGRY to suddenly become very angry or frightened 勃然大怒;大惊失色wob·bly1 adjectivewobbly2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus to moving unsteadily side from side




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