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单词 blare
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundsblare /bleə $ bler/ ●○○ (also blare out) verb [intransitive, transitive]  Cto make a very loud unpleasant noise (使)刺耳地大声鸣响 Horns blared in the street outside. 外面街道上汽车喇叭发出刺耳的鸣响。 —blare noun [singular]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusblare• More trucks were arriving, many of them with sirens blaring.• And outside, you could hear loudspeakers blaring ads and speeches from the candidates.• She blared Alejandra Guzman records, went to Roseland regularly owned every Madonna video, including that last nasty one.• The music was blaring and the partygoers were dancing.• Sirens blared as firefighters raced to the scene.• There is nothing electric here, nothing bombastic nor blaring, as this is his first acoustic recording.• This procedure would bring the tune to the foreground without the necessity of blaring on the part of the brass.• Then the profit-and-loss column of his mind blared out its warning.• The radio was blaring out the news that an earthquake had hit just minutes before.Origin blare (1300-1400) Perhaps from an unrecorded Old English blæranblare verbChinese  loud unpleasant to Corpus noise a make very




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