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单词 decorate
释义 Word family  noun decor decoration decorator adjective decorative verb decorate adverb decoratively  ldoce_065_ddec·o·rate /ˈdekəreɪt/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]DECORATEPAINT British English to paint the inside of a room, put special paper on the walls etc 装修,装潢 The bathroom is decorated in green and yellow. 浴室里是用绿色和黄色装潢的。 We plan to spend the weekend decorating. 我们计划用这个周末来装修。 →5  See picture of decorating the home 装修住房, decorating the Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树 →4  See picture of 见图 decorate2  [transitive]DECORATE to make something look more attractive by putting something pretty on it 装饰,布置,美化 Children’s pictures decorated the walls of the classroom. 教室的墙上装点着儿童画。decorate something with something an old-fashioned dress decorated with ribbons and lace 饰有丝带和花边的老式连衣裙3  [transitive]CELEBRATE to give someone a medal as an official sign of honour 授予…勋章[奖章]decorate somebody for something soldiers decorated for bravery 因勇敢而获授勋章的士兵 —decorating noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdecorate• We spent all weekend decorating.• Mum had the whole house decorated before she moved in.• The long, low church is decorated by paintings all over the exterior and interior walls, openings and window frames.• Tom had decorated his room with a series of photos of Naples.• The children always enjoy decorating the Christmas tree.• Among the plastic rats, fluffy animals and copies of the Sun decorating the desks was at least one Labour red rose.• Sliced kiwi fruit may be used to decorate the dessert.• They've just finished decorating the kitchen.• They decorated the place with hanging plants and printed fabrics stretched over wooden frames.• He even brought copper and brass items to decorate the place.• Encourage children to pick out their own clothes, to decorate their own rooms, and to choose their own activities.• Sometimes the streets are decorated with flower petals, although this custom is dying out.• It is easy to cut and handle and can be decorated with paper or textured paint.decorated for bravery• He had already been decorated for bravery.Origin decorate (1500-1600) Latin decoratus, past participle of decorare “to decorate”, from decus “honour, decoration”dec·o·rate verbChineseSyllable  room, inside special the a Corpus to put of paint




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