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单词 wildcat
释义  Related topics: Animalswild·cat1 /ˈwaɪldkæt/ noun [countable]  HBAa type of cat that looks similar to a pet cat and lives in mountains, forests etc 〔生活在山区、森林等中的〕野猫Examples from the Corpuswildcat• Tiny though she was compared with her assailant, she fought like a wildcat.• I left in the middle of the big wildcat of 1976, and I suppose it was a cowardly thing to do.• A third of wildcat populations had declined in recent years, and only 8 percent were increasing.• Then I changed my mind, and I began to hate the wildcats.• Interbreeding with feral cats is probably the biggest threat to the wildcat.• In a way, the wildcats were beginning to work.Related topics: Gas, coal, oilwildcat2 verb (wildcatted, wildcatting) [intransitive]  American EnglishTPG to look for oil in a place where nobody has found any yet 勘探[钻探]石油 —wildcatter noun [countable]→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionarywildcatwild‧cat1 /ˈwaɪldkæt/ adjective [only before a noun] American English a wildcat oil well or discovery of oil is one that is in a place where no one has found oil beforewildcatwildcat2 verb [intransitive] American English to look for oil in a place where no one has found it yet —wildcatter noun [countable]Oklahoma wildcatters struck oil in the late 1920s.→ See Verb tablewild·cat1 nounwildcat2 verbChineseSyllable  that type a of cat looks similar Business Corpus to a




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