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单词 nauseating
释义  nau·se·a·ting /ˈnɔːzieɪtɪŋ, -si- $ ˈnɒːzi-, -ʃi-/ adjective  1  DISGUSTINGmaking you feel that you are going to vomit 令人恶心的,令人作呕的 SYN sickening the nauseating smell of rotting fish 烂鱼的恶臭► see thesaurus at horrible2  ANGRYmaking you feel annoyed or offended 令人厌恶的 SYN disgusting his nauseating remarks 他令人厌恶的言论 —nauseatingly adverbExamples from the Corpusnauseating• Every nauseating action, every violation, abuse and mutilation is meticulously rendered.• She took slow breaths of the nauseating air.• To imply disabled people are responsible for the under-payment of personal assistance services in these circumstances is a nauseating misrepresentation of facts.• Nauseating odors wafted from the nearby sewage treatment plant.• Contemporary locomotives are carved on their headstones, which also bear nauseating rhyming epitaphs of the kind so beloved by the Victorians.• They also witnessed various nauseating sights including a car piled high with dead animals.• It's almost nauseating to think this could be true.• As well as proving to Anthea he meant business, it would put one over that nauseating Toby Latimer in no mean fashion.nau·se·a·ting adjectiveChineseSyllable  going feel you that making Corpus are you




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