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单词 whoever
释义  who·ev·er /huːˈevə $ -ˈevər/ ●●○ S3 pronoun  1  EVERYONEused to say that it does not matter who does something, is in a particular place etc 不管是什么人;无论是谁 I’ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。 When you’re done with the book, just give it to Kristin or Shelley or whoever. 你看完书以后,就给克里斯廷或谢利,或者随便谁都行。2  PERSON/PEOPLEused to talk about a specific person or people, although you do not know who they are …的人〔用于指身份不确定的某个或某类人〕 Whoever is responsible for this will be punished. 对此事负有责任的人将受到惩罚。3  whoever he/she is  (also whoever he/she may be)KNOW somebody used to say that you do not know who someone is 不知他/她是谁 You’ve got a message from Tony Gower, whoever he is. 有一个名叫托尼•高尔的人给你留言,不知这人是谁。4  SURPRISEDused to mean ‘who’ at the beginning of a question to show surprise or anger 到底是谁,究竟是谁〔置于疑问句句首,表示惊讶或生气〕 Whoever would do a thing like that to an old woman? 究竟是谁会对一位老太太做出那样的事?Examples from the Corpuswhoever• Whoever could be calling at this time of night?• Give these clothes to whoever needs them.who·ev·er pronounChineseSyllable  that to say it does Corpus not matter who used




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