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单词 white-collar
释义  Related topics: Employment, Sociologyˌwhite-ˈcollar adjective  1  BESS[only before noun] white-collar workers have jobs in offices, banks etc rather than jobs working in factories, building things etc 〔在办公室、银行等工作的〕白领阶层的 → blue-collar, pink-collar white-collar jobs 白领工作2. white-collar crime SCCBcrimes involving white-collar workers, for example when someone secretly steals money from the organization they work for 〔偷盗公款等的〕白领罪行Examples from the Corpuswhite-collar• But white-collar crime seems to be the new image of the law profession.• In contrast, white-collar employment soared despite massive use of information technologies in areas such as accounting and finance.• It should also be pointed out that white-collar industries have suffered from privatisation.• The foremen, members of the white-collar Manufacturing Science and Finance union, were protesting over the threat of compulsory redundancies.• Effective measurement of white-collar performance would require more than just measurement of efficiency.• Stress and activity are the new white-collar sources of identity.• The expansion of white-collar unionism was a particular feature of the most recent phase.• a white-collar worker• The economic recession has put many white-collar workers in danger of losing their jobs.From Longman Business Dictionarywhite-collarˌwhite-ˈcollar adjective [only before a noun]HUMAN RESOURCES white-collar workers work in offices, banks etc, rather than in factories, mines etcThe redundancies have devastatedwhite-collar workers.The car maker will cut 9,000white-collar jobs. → compare blue-collarˌwhite-ˈcollar adjectiveChineseSyllable   in banks jobs Business white-collar offices, rather Corpus etc have workers




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