单词 |
whey |
释义 |
whey /weɪ/ noun [uncountable] DFDLIQUIDthe watery liquid that is left after the solid part has been removed from sour milk 乳清Examples from the Corpuswhey• The curd is cut, stirred, and heated with continuous stirring to separate curd and whey.• But then, we might ask, whey entrust money to the manager?• Both dried cream and dried whey are extensively used by the food industries.• The curd is immersed in hot water or whey and worked, stretched, and molded while plastic.• Yet if so, whey weren't they cloistered?• Hard cheeses are more fatty, the whey having been pressed out of the cheese to leave only the fatty curds.• It is actually a scalded curd cheese, the curds being heated in the whey before being drained.• Casein is the whey in milk and is therefore similar to cheese.Origin whey Old English hwægwhey nounChinese has left part the Corpus the that watery liquid solid is after |
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