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单词 weed
释义  Related topics: Plants, Drug cultureweed1 /wiːd/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable]HBP a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly 野草,杂草,莠草 the constant battle against weeds 对付杂草的长期斗争2. [uncountable]HBP a plant without flowers that grows on water in a large green floating mass 海藻,水草 → seaweed3  [countable] British English informalWEAK someone who is weak 懦弱的人;孱弱的人 Nigel’s such a weed, isn’t he? 奈杰尔真懦弱,是不是啊?4  like weeds in large numbers 〔像杂草丛生一样〕大量地 Cars clogged the roads like weeds. 大量汽车堵住了道路。5. the weed informalDFT cigarettes or tobacco 香烟;烟草6. [uncountable]MDD cannabis 大麻7. (widow’s) weeds old useDCCMX black clothes worn by a woman whose husband has died 〔寡妇穿的黑色〕丧服Examples from the Corpusweed• Everyone called me a weed when I was at school because I was so bad at sports.• It may even look like a rather pretty weed, but it's still a weed.• Dorothea bent down and pulled weeds out of the garden.• A rich soil soon becomes home to rampant weeds which smother less competitive, more attractive plants.• He spent a whole year bumming from friends, crashing in strange places, selling weed with pals to make his bread.• Nor is genetic engineering the only way weeds become herbicide-resistant.Related topics: Gardeningweed2 verb [intransitive, transitive]  1.DLGto remove unwanted plants from a garden or other place (给…)除去杂草2 weed somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb GET RID OFto get rid of people or things that are not very good 除去,淘汰〔不合格的人或物〕 The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes. 这项研究将会帮助政府废除无效的援助计划。 —weeding noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusweed• In particular, men assist more with ploughing as well as with sowing, weeding and harvesting.• Among those prickly areas: the use of technology and the process for weeding books and periodicals from the system.• Suburban communities swiftly expel sleazy politicians and weed out corrupt practices.• The turnover of wild individuals in an established population is a drastic weeding out of animals that are either unfit or unlucky.• Deceased family and friends are honored as their graves are cleaned, weeded, refurbished and painted by family and friends.• The idea is that recruits from the towns will weed the crops.• The women polish the furniture, scrub the kitchen and weed the flowerbeds while Mrs McCormick is gone.Origin weed1 Old English weodweed1 nounweed2 verbChinese   plant is growing where a wild Corpus it




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