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单词 Blasted
1 Music blasted from the little radio.
2 A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.
3 The machine guns blasted away all night.
4 The officers blasted him with pepper spray.
5 They blasted her into a black room.
6 Music blasted out from the television.
7 The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock.
8 The explosion blasted the roof off.
9 She blasted away at his false idealism.
10 The missile blasted off.
11 Her facts blasted the evidence.
12 The judge blasted his critics.
13 The rocket blasted off at 7.28 p.m.
14 Music suddenly blasted out from the speakers.
15 They blasted a huge crater in the runway.
16 The rocket blasted upward into the sky.
17 He blasted the ball past the goalie.
18 The news blasted their hopes.
19 The film was blasted by the critics.
20 The Seahawks were blasted 35-14 by the Broncos.
21 Police blasted the demonstrators with water cannons.
22 Dance music blasted from the stereo.
23 Jack blasted a homer that tied the game.
24 Make that blasted dog keep quiet!
25 A rocket blasted a spaceman into space.
26 Apollo II blasted off at noon.
27 She blasted to make him admit his mistake.
28 They were blasted into outer space.
29 I wish that blasted baby would stop crying!
30 The terrorists blasted them down.
1 Music blasted from the little radio.
2 A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.
3 The machine guns blasted away all night.
4 The officers blasted him with pepper spray.
5 They blasted her into a black room.
6 Music blasted out from the television.
7 The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock.
8 The explosion blasted the roof off.
9 She blasted away at his false idealism.
10 The missile blasted off.
11 The village was blasted by enemy bombs.
12 The country blasted off another man - made satellite.
31 The icy wind had blasted the new spring growth.
32 The sound of western music blasted as she entered.
33 The movie was blasted by all the critics.
34 The crops were blasted by frost.
35 The village was blasted by enemy bombs.
36 I've forgotten my blasted keys!
37 The country blasted off another man - made satellite.
38 The starting gun blasted and they were off.
38 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
39 The two spacemen were blasted off into space.
40 He blasted the policeman right between the eyes.
41 A 1.5 km tunnel was blasted through the mountain.
42 The opposition blasted the government for high inflation.
43 The heavy winds blasted through the trees.
44 The radio blasted out rock music at full volume.
45 Patrick got/was absolutely blasted last night.
46 The rocket blasted off at noon.
47 The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky.
48 The explosion blasted the door open/down/in.
49 The machine guns blasted away non-stop.
50 Union leaders blasted the Government for failing to tackle the jobs crisis.
51 The ship was burst apart and its crew blasted to pieces.
52 They've blasted away the rock to build the new road.
53 The centre of the city has been blasted by repeated bombing.
54 She blasted her husband with a shotgun because he was having an affair.
55 All the windows were blasted inwards with the force of the explosion.
56 The police were reported to have blasted their way into the house using explosives.
57 The road will have to be blasted out of solid rock.
58 This theory has been blasted away by the new evidence.
59 With six minutes remaining, he blasted the ball through the Coleraine defences for his 19th goal of the season.
60 The first shot missed and blasted a hole in the far wall.
61 Icy winds and driving snow blasted through the pine trees.
62 When the president rose to speak, the terrorists blasted him down.
63 Alan Barnett, 28, was blasted with a sawn-off shotgun in Oldham on Thursday.
64 The construction crew blasted out a tunnel through the mountain.
65 Darn those blasted kids!
66 The government was blasted by the opposition for failing to reduce inflation.
67 She blasted her horn at every car and walker in her way.
68 Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost.
69 The wind ripped through the trees and blasted a curtain of rain up the meadow.
70 They have blasted away the side of this beautiful valley to make a road.
71 The spaceship blasted off.
72 The explosion which followed blasted out the external supporting wall of her flat.
73 The gunmen blasted the car with a hail of bullets.
74 What a blasted nuisance!
75 The plane was blasted out of the sky by a terrorist bomb.
76 Railway workers had blasted through the mountains 90 years before.
77 Music blasted from the speakers in the living room.
78 Windows were blasted inwards by the fusillade.
79 The blasted thing's on the blink again.
80 Why d' you go to that blasted ship?
81 A machine gun blasted just outside the tent.
82 They just blasted their way in.
83 Several Allied planes were blasted out of the sky.
84 I went back to that blasted ship.
85 Make your own blasted coffee!
86 He wished he hadn't blasted so many beers.
87 A storm blasted the Florida coast with 75 m.p.h. winds.
88 Across the fiat bottom a series of deeper pockets had been blasted into the rock.
89 And she blasted Tory plans to force more schools to quit town hall control.
90 Much water has been lost for ever from Mars,[http:///blasted.html] blasted into space by comet and asteroid impacts.
91 A strong likelihood of being fitted up by corrupt cops or being casually blasted out of existence by some one's assault rifle?
92 Another guy, he took a shotgun and blasted four secretaries at Adelphi College.
93 Scattering earth was blasted out into the Rabbit Grounds, and the thudding noises rolled through the air.
94 A cold breeze was blowing in off the sea which blasted them the moment they stepped on to the pavement.
95 Yet only by luck did he hit one of the skaters - who was blasted apart.
96 The Seahawks were blasted 35-14 by the Broncos at the start of the season.
97 They dug and blasted out the ores from thin, but rich, mineral veins.
98 Whiston fire station officer Phil Brammeier blasted pranksters who fired a rocket firework through a letterbox in Scott Avenue.
98 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
99 Fifteen-year-old Nicola Child was blasted with an air rifle in a cruel prank.
100 A row erupted and when they reached Craylands he threw her to the ground and blasted her twice with a shotgun.
101 He squeezed the trigger and the echo of the shot blasted all around the stairwell.
102 During the day four low-flying military jets had blasted down the Glen.
103 She rolled off me, then wailed so long and hard she blasted the air into my lungs.
104 That same day the rocks were blasted to fragments and removed.
105 Similarly, there are few restrictions on temporary use of loudspeakers, such as when messages are blasted intermittently from mobile vans.
106 Way past the blasted ship, I turned a corner and saw this amazing soaring gorge above me.
107 This happened when Safin missed a drop shot to go 0-40 and blasted the ball out of the stadium.
108 Starting from the Scenic Tunnel, long a tourist attraction, the pair headed for the opening that had previously been blasted.
109 We're going to have a talk about this when we get back to that blasted villa tonight.
110 When all other methods have failed, the patient is blasted with radiation and chemotherapy so caustic that 10 percent die.
111 The blasted Fabian Society was insisting on a postal ballot of all its members there.
112 With no preparation, he blasted his way around the monster 7,289-yard course in a superb 69.
113 Once again he blasted out at the first attempt, reeling back amid a cloud of sand and covering his eyes.
114 He blasted off with the hesitation and majesty of a space-ship.
115 Blasted, totalled, broken-winded, shot-faced London, doing time under sodden skies.
116 His Chanel show blasted the audience to the backs of their seats with 20,000-volt fashion and hyperactive disco music.
117 This impact, or a later one, blasted the rock off the surface of Mars and sent it flying towards Earth.
118 Newman blasted one into left field in the second inning.
119 Any tendency toward sentimentality is blasted out by the second movement's raucous and ugly woodwind and brass writing.
120 The next morning they lay burned and blasted, blackened by the first frost, their seeds promising their resurrection.
121 The volley gun is burst apart and its crew blasted to pieces.
122 And he blasted the media for slanting the coverage against Simpson to prolong the story.
123 At an earlier hearing police said Griffin blasted Lynn's car with a. 44 Magnum after she broke up their affair.
124 He blasted it and it went in a straight line from his foot to the top right hand corner.
125 Mad machines gibbered, cackled, screeched insanely and blasted each other with sudden bursts of machine gun fire.
126 Environmental groups blasted the plan for more logging in the area.
127 Now, perhaps, the bombshell that blasted Dole and his campaign out of the doldrums will blast the Republicans into unity.
128 The music blasted through the closed door and protective walls like a hounding monster.
129 While he was still fumbling four more of the shrieks blasted out of the ether; then there was a merciful silence.
130 The plane turned at the far end of the runway, then blasted off to the west.
131 What a ruddy nightmare the whole blasted show is, he thought.
132 Unfortunately for the visitors assistant manager Jim Duffy blasted the resultant spot kick over the bar.
133 The shelf had been literally blasted out of the mountain with black powder.
134 League general secretary Ron Bridges has blasted clubs who try to create a web of deception after being caught cheating.
135 Later orbiters blasted off to trip hop tunes for after-hours dancing.
136 One of the gunmen blasted Keith Thompson, 42, at point-blank range, police said last night.
137 Mr Glen said the bypass would have to be blasted out of solid rock.
138 But Jimenez blasted a best-of-the-week 63 for a two-stroke lead going into the final day at Crans-Sur-Sierre.
139 After all, my reputation is in all likelihood blasted in any event.
140 Columbia blasted off Thursday on a planned 17-day flight, the longest ever for a shuttle.
141 Clothes, newspapers and nameless rubbish littered the floor and over everything a radio blasted away at fall strength.
142 Big deal, I can still find my way around this blasted place.
143 I couldn't get that blasted door open.
144 The explosion blasted the hill - top off.
145 Some were blasted and split as if by lightning.
146 His biting words at the meeting blasted his reputation.
147 The apparent reason for this is that the surface is so porous that an impacting space rock causes little ejecta , material blasted out of the collision site and is scattered all around.
148 Lehmann's been warned by Germany he needs to be playing if he's to go to Euro 2008 and last week he blasted Wenger for "humiliating" him and threatened to spill the beans on their bust-up .
149 Blue room has not only taken away the tassels glass chandelier, a Julie saw it, blasted off to a pendant, the cook not to restrain from crying.
150 He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license."
151 All ambitions are blasted.
152 From inside his bunker, Gbagbo blasted the world in back-to-back interviews on French TV station LCI and French radio RFI.
153 The data looks like gibberish to a snooper as it travels from your computer to a secure server before it is blasted onto the Internet.
154 Ramsay blasted the ball into the back of the net.
155 The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week's Sunday Times.
156 There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.
157 Today Germany's hopes for world conquest have been blasted on all fronts.
158 On the last go, on the last move, my finger blasted off this tiny crimper, and I ripped my entire finger-tip-callous off.
159 The Frenchman blasted : & quot ; I NEVER said an own goal, and I will always maintain that.
160 Under the sudden impact,[http:///blasted.html] Zin - Azshari and the Well were blasted downward toward the ocean floor.
161 The rocket blasted off at Cape Kennedy at 8∶00 a.m. this morning.
162 Earlier two holes were blasted into the ship's hull to let water out and stabilise the ferry.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 4:00:58