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单词 Shame
1. Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after. 
2. The boast of arrogance soon turns to shame
3. Better die with honour than live with shame
4. He who has no shame has no conscience. 
5. When pride rides, shame lacqueys.
6. Tell the truth and shame the Devil. 
7. Better poor with honour than rich with shame
8. Poverty is no shame, laziness is. 
9. Pride goes before, and shame follows after. 
10. No man learns but by pain or shame
11. He that deceives me once, shame fall him, if he deceives me twice, shame fall me. 
12. Shame is Prides cloke.
13. Poverty is not a shame,(http://) but the being ashamed of it is. 
14. He who has lost shame is lost to all virtue. 
15. It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not, whatever be his age. 
16. He felt he would burst with anger and shame.
17. It is a shame to be so wasteful.
18. The boys hung their heads in shame.
19. Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
20. His face burned with shame.
21. She hung her head in shame.
22. His arrest for stealing brought shame on his family.
23. Your generosity puts me to shame.
24. She feels shame at failing in the exam.
25. She felt a deep sense of shame.
26. Her cheeks glowed with shame.
27. A shame does not rub off.
28. To my shame I refused to listen to her side of the story.
29. It is better to be clothed in rags, than to be clothed with shame
30. I regard that man as lost, who has lost his sense of shame
1. He felt he would burst with anger and shame.
2. It is a shame to be so wasteful.
3. The boys hung their heads in shame.
4. Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
5. His face burned with shame.
6. She hung her head in shame.
7. His arrest for stealing brought shame on his family.
8. Your generosity puts me to shame.
9. She feels shame at failing in the exam.
10. She felt a deep sense of shame.
11. Her cheeks glowed with shame.
12. A shame does not rub off.
13. To my shame I refused to listen to her side of the story.
14. He said he felt no shame for what he had done.
15. I would die of shame if she ever found out.
16. How can we shame the boy out of beating his little sister?
17. When his teacher told his parents about his behavior, he felt great shame.
18. It's a shame that you have to leave so soon.
19. It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.
20. It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behavior.
21. It would be a crying shame if the village shop closed down.
22. He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.
23. It's a mortal shame.
24. It is a shame to hitch up your trousers before the public.
25. He went scarlet with shame.
26. Anyone who betrays his motherland shall inevitably fall into the abyss of eternal sin and shame.
27. I confess it with shame -- shrunk icily into myself, like a snail.
28. Mary was so embarrassed. She could only hide her face in shame.
31. I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.
32. He said he felt no shame for what he had done.
33. I would die of shame if she ever found out.
34. How can we shame the boy out of beating his little sister?
35. When his teacher told his parents about his behavior, he felt great shame.
36. It's really a shame we can't be together at that moment.
37. Never let fear or shame keep you from celebrating the unique people that you are.
38. It's a shame that you have to leave so soon.
39. Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
40. It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.
41. It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behavior.
42. It would be a crying shame if the village shop closed down.
43. He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.
44. It's a mortal shame.
45. It is a shame to hitch up your trousers before the public.
46. Her cheeks burned with shame.
47. Phil stood there,(http:///shame.html) his head bowed in shame.
48. There is no shame in wanting to be successful.
49. He went scarlet with shame.
50. It's a shame about Tim, isn't it?
51. He was dead to all feelings of shame.
52. She bowed her head in shame.
53. There's no shame in saying 'I don't know'.
54. To my shame, I never did help them.
55. Her pregnancy was no cause for shame.
56. It's a shame you didn't say something sooner.
57. The little girl cast her eyes down in shame.
58. She was covered with shame at her failure.
59. The children hung/bowed their heads in shame.
60. His cooking puts mine to shame.
61. He tried to deny it. Shame on him!
62. The little boy squirmed with shame.
63. He would not let neighbours shame him into silence.
64. He put her to shame.
65. You've brought shame on the whole family!
66. He hung his head in shame.
67. She felt a deep sense of shame and repugnance.
68. Nice video, shame about the song.
69. A blush of shame crept up his face.
70. Their presentation put ours to shame.
71. What a shame to cheat at an examination!
72. I was, to my shame, a coward.
73. It's a shame you can't stay with us.
74. I nearly died of shame!
75. She is completely without shame.
76. She drooped her head for shame.
77. He felt a deep sense of shame.
78. It's rather a shame that Joyce missed the concert.
79. The guilty man bowed his head in shame.
80. He's brought shame on the whole family.
81. The little girl blushed with shame before the stranger.
82. It would be a shame if you lost it.
83. What a shame you can't come!
84. He felt his cheeks burning with shame.
85. You'll subject yourself to shame.
86. She was deadened to all sense of shame.
87. How can we make people forget the family's shame?
88. Unhand me, sir,(Sentence dictionary) for shame!
89. His face burned with embarrassment/shame/anger.
90. What a shame you didn't win.
91. Daphne had hung her head in shame .
92. He bowed his head in shame and sadness.
93. He went scarlet with shame and embarrassment.
94. It seems a shame to waste this good food.
95. What a shame they couldn't come.
96. A feeling of shame came over her.
97. That child is completely without shame!
98. Oh dear! What a shame.
99. What a shame that you suck your thumb.
100. It's such a shame they shut that factory .
101. I don'twant to bring shame on the family name.
102. His tears witnessed the shame he felt.
103. She shut her eyes in shame./shame.html
104. Your cooking puts mine to shame.
105. It's a damn shame he left her.
106. Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame.
107. Shame on you for being so unkind.
108. The girl's cheeks blushed scarlet with shame.
109. What a shame we missed the wedding.
110. It's a crying shame to waste all that food.
111. His bad behaviour brings shame on the whole school.
112. Her remarks made him writhe with shame.
113. His playing really put me to shame.
114. What a shame that it rained today.
115. She blushed with shame.
116. 'John can't come.' 'What a shame,' my brother said sarcastically.
117. It's a shame. I should be at work instead of lying here in bed.
118. Her actions have brought shame and dishonour on the profession.
119. Her energy and enthusiasm puts the rest of us to shame .
120. It's a shame - he had gippy tummy most of the time he was on holiday.
121. What a shame that you couldn't go to the party.
122. Maria blushed with shame.
123. She had felt trapped by the old mesh of loyalty and shame.
124. In some societies, if a woman leaves her husband, it brings shame on her and her family.
125. Hearing the words, he hung down his head for shame.
126. Have you no shame?
127. It's a terrible shame, in my opinion , that the building was knocked down.
128. To my shame, I never wrote and thanked Mary for her present.
129. The government will also name and shame the worst performing airlines.
130. It's a crying shame that she's paid so little for what she does.
131. The school's examination results shame those of the other schools in the area.
132. He has brought shame and disgrace on the whole family.
133. I bow my head in shame when I think of how I treated her.
134. She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family.
135. It's a shame that she wasn't here to see it.
136. The graphics are brilliant. It's just a shame the content is so poor.
137. How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame?
138. You feel absolutely no shame over what you did,(http:///shame.html) do you?
139. You have brought shame and disgrace on yourself and your family.
140. The shame which he suffered as a result of his inaction recalled him to a sense of duty.
141. Shame on you, Fred. I thought you were my friend!
142. Anyone who betrays his motherland shall inevitably fall into the abyss of eternal sin and shame.
143. To my shame, I didn't tell Robert about the party.
144. Most patients find it very difficult to vocalize feelings of shame.
145. He thinks there's great shame in being out of work and unable to provide for his family.
146. It's a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you.
147. How could you treat her so badly? Shame on you!
148. I can't imagine why they canceled your show, Tracy. That's such a shame .
149. She died to shame.
150. She reddened with shame.
151. She wept from the shame of having let everyone down.
152. I confess it with shame -- shrunk icily into myself, like a snail.
153. He had cried noisily and without shame at the news of Esther's death.
154. It is a shame that the local Labour Party has set its face against the scheme.
155. It was a crying shame that they lost the game.
156. You've no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame.
157. Isn't it a shame that the rain spoiled our picnic?
158. Mary was so embarrassed. She could only hide her face in shame.
159. It's a terrible shame about Stuart losing his job, isn't it?
160. It's time to shame holdouts like the USA into signing the treaty.
161. If anyone found out that I took the money, I'd die of shame.
162. What a damn shame!
163. It's a shame to cover this beautiful table with a tablecloth.
163. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
164. He was being held by two security guards, his head bowed in shame.
165. Your beautiful garden put my a few little flowers to shame.
166. He knew he'd done something wrong and hung his head in shame.
167. The shame of the scandal was so great that he shot himself a few weeks later.
168. She felt a flush of shame at what she'd done.
169. To my shame, I never thanked him for his kindness.
170. It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks.
171. It's a shame I can't go on the trip to France, but that's life.
172. It's a shame to take money from those who can't afford it.
173. It puts me to shame that I still haven't replied to David's letter.
174. To her shame , she gained back all the weight she'd lost.
175. It seems such a shame to throw perfectly good food away.
176. This room is so impressive it would be a shame to clutter it up.
177. It's a crying shame, the way they treat their children.
178. It would be a crying shame not to take them up on the offer.
179. Hurry up! It would be a shame to miss the beginning of the play.
180. Jerry stood there with his head bowed in shame.
181. It's a crying shame to cover up your body.
182. Good try Tim. Shame it didn't quite come off.
183. The public have neither shame or gratitude. William Hazlitt 
184. Her face mantled with shame.
185. Don't call us, old chap, such a dashed shame.
186. The adjutant turned away in shame and disgust.
187. The ones who created this crisis should feel shame.
188. Shame may restrain what law does not prohibit. Seneca 
189. Shame on you, Herbert Wadlough, I chuckled to myself.
190. The only shame is to have none. Blaise Pascal 
191. Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame. Benjamin Franklin 
192. Her righteous anger moved him, filled him with a weird sense of shame that jarred him.
193. I would have carried my burden more lightly, not been overcome by a spirit of seriousness and of shame.
193. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
194. There is no shame in amending ambitions to take account of aging.
195. If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive. Brene Brown 
196. It's a nice picture - it'd be a shame to just chuck it away.
197. But my mind conjures up images of how they know my secret shame, and are talking about me behind my back.
198. It is a shame that some of the gloom and doom-mongers in this country do not share that confidence.
199. What has burned his bacon is the utter shame of it.
200. We live in a world where most people still subscribe to the belief that shame is a good tool for keeping people in line. Not only is this wrong, but it’s dangerous. Shame is highly correlated with addiction, violence, aggression, depression, eating disorders, and bullying. Brene Brown 
201. In the context of the world today, it seems a crying shame.
202. For some people, a sense of shame clings to the buying of cast-offs.
203. Shame he's not a proctologist-he could have given Fat Barry a brain scan.
204. Gloriously defeated at the age of twenty-three, she committed suicide rather than suffer the shame of surrender.
205. This would put many routers costing three times the price to shame.
206. We must help victims deal with the shame attached to rape.
207. Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is. Benjamin Franklin 
208. Neither pride nor shame are now factors in what goes out over those airwaves.
209. It would be a crying shame if high ticket prices kept people away from baseball games.
210. It was a catchphrase for national shame now, applicable to virtually every snafu.
211. Passion is blushing furiously across pop, rapidly turning it to ashes in its shame.
212. It is temporary accommodation which puts most permanent local housing to shame.
213. His face had darkened with shame at having his pleasure aroused in public by one of his daughters.
214. There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again. George W. Bush 
215. What a shame it must one day become reality - it will never match these views for charm and elegance.
216. The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde 
217. Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It's the fear that we're not good enough. Brene Brown 
218. It was a crying shame to see those grounds neglected.
219. Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere. Barack Obama 
220. Dot had heard Mrs Parvis say that it was a crying shame, a young fit man like that.
221. It would be a great shame if young people such as Hu were discouraged from seeking careers in public service.
222. It is a shame that the Bill does not deal with that matter.
223. The difference between shame and guilt is the difference between 'I am bad' and 'I did something bad. Brene Brown 
224. A sense of shame is not a bad moral compass. Colin Powell 
225. Having a baby would mean leaving university and bringing shame on my family.
226. Had some deeply rooted shame kept her from telling me what was really going on?
227. If you get to know about these things at an early age you lose your shame and shyness.
228. It's a perishing shame.
229. Academic interpretations held off the shame for a while, but then he could no longer close his mind to it.
230. It was a shame he didn't have time to change out of his gardening clothes before he appeared on the show.
231. Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame's is destructive. Shame erodes our courage and fuels disengagement. Brene Brown 
232. It's a damn shame that you didn't get the job.
233. You cannot shame or belittle people into changing their behaviors. Brene Brown 
234. I bow my head in shame when I think of the countries we've looted and the people we've subjugated.
235. All he had done was scream abuse at her, accusing her of bringing shame and disgrace on the family.
236. It's a shame that we have to live, but it's a tragedy that we get to live only one life. Jonathan Safran Foer 
237. Normal shame is feeling bad about oneself at times but getting over it and resuming a reasonable outlook.
238. It's a shame because, to paraphrase Ginola's cringing catchphrase in the L'Oreal ads, she's worth it.
239. He is dead to all sense of shame.
240. Generally speaking, everyone has a sense of shame.
241. He lost all sense of shame.
242. An ideal connection that puts any solder to shame.
243. You are sated with shame, not glory.
244. Everybody has a sense of shame.
245. She has thrown off all sense of shame.
246. Scrutinize ourselves with a sense of shame, but view the world with a sense of gratitude.
247. A man cannot be without shame , for the shame of being without shame is shamelessness.
248. In deceiving that girl, he was devoid of all sense of shame.
249. There is a sense of shame, sometimes carried to extremes.
250. In doing this business, we had no sense of shame.
251. He associated daily with bad company, and was soon past all sense of shame.
252. The Templar caste as a wholeand the zealots in particular , seethe with shame at this dishonor.
253. The sense of shame is not only consciousness but also sentiments and behavior of morality.
254. He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.
255. Some clucked that it was a shame her cheeks were becoming brown, her feet less shapely.
256. What a shame such a shapely sash should such shabby stitches show.
257. Only those who have no sense of shame can do such shameful things.
258. I am sure many Singaporean students were put to shame by that.
259. What a shame such shapely sash should such shabby stitches show?
260. He's very thick - skinned and has no sense of shame.
261. So they went away from the Sanhedrin, happy to undergo shame for the Name.
262. At this thought an unbearable sense of shame possessed him.




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