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单词 wavelength
释义  Related topics: Broadcasting, Physics, Powerwave·length /ˈweɪvleŋθ/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1. TCBHPthe size of a radio wave used to broadcast a radio signal 〔无线电的〕波长2. TPHP technical the distance between two points on energy waves such as sound or light 〔声波、光波等的〕波长3  be on the same/a different wavelength informalSAMEDIFFERENT to have the same or different opinions and feelings as someone else 〔与他人的观点、感情〕相投/不合 Dad is just on a different wavelength from me. 爸爸和我就是没有共同语言。Examples from the Corpuswavelength• You guys ... I guess you must have a wavelength going.• The radiation, which comes From the arc in the mercury vapour, is mainly ultraviolet with a wavelength of 253-7 nanometres.• A powerful UV/Vis monochromator based detector allows wavelength selection by the turn of a dial and allows very low detection limits.• Because the sandwich is only a few angstroms thick it transmits visible light - but it reflects longer wavelength heat radiation.• The longer wavelengths associated with heat were radiating through the thick plywood board that covered the one window in his darkroom!• Two objects may reflect the same wavelengths into our eyes yet be seen as having different colours.• Here, the wavelength is about 5 x 107m.wave·length nounChineseSyllable  used radio the wave a Corpus of size to




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