随便看 |
- ,-not-for-profit
- , not for profit
- not for profit
- not for the world
- not for want of
- not for want of doing
- not for want of (doing) something
- not for want of doing something
- not for want of doing sth
- not for want of something
- not for want of sth
- not get anywhere
- not get a sniff of
- not get a sniff of something
- not get a sniff of sth
- not get a wink of sleep
- not get a wink of sleep/not sleep a wink
- not get sb anywhere
- not get somebody anywhere
- not give a
- not give a damn
- not give a damn about
- not give a damn about sb
- not give a damn about somebody
- not give a damn (about somebody/something)
- Crenellated
- Scheelite
- Vermeil
- Effendi
- Echinacea
- Gas pump
- Borsch
- Conservatoire
- Bibliographical
- Crusty bread
- 知无不言,言无不尽的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 知无务,不若愚而好学
- 知是一双眼,行是一双脚。不知而行,前有渊谷而不见,傍有狼虎而不闻,如中州之人适燕而南、之粤而北也。虽乘千里之马,愈疾愈远。知而不行,如痿痹之人数路程、画山水。行更无多说,只用得一“笃”字。知底工夫千头万绪,所谓“匪知之艰,惟行之艰”。“匪苟知之,亦允蹈之”。“知至至之,知终终之”。“穷神知化”,“穷理尽性”,“极深研几”,“探赜索隐”,“多闻多见”。知也者,知所行也;行也者,行所知也。知也者,知此
- 知更鸟的情歌
- 知有陈迹而不知有今务。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 知本堂读杜诗目录
- 知止才能放下
- 知止者智
- 知法犯法·罪加一等是什么意思
- 知法犯法·铤而走险是什么意思
- 知浮生梦得自在意,
- 知病不病》翻译与解读
- 知的解释|知的意思|“知”字的基本解释
- 知稼穑之艰难,而崇节俭之化。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 知稼翁集
- Mooch句子
- Flattened句子
- Realistically句子
- Indigestible句子
- Facilitation句子
- Wellbeing句子
- Add together句子
- Act as句子
- Redoubt句子
- Spinal句子
- Plagiary句子
- Karabiner句子
- Chaotically句子
- Legal system句子
- Gymnosperm句子