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单词 water table
释义  Related topics: Geography, Earth sciences, Geologyˈwater ˌtable noun [countable] technical  SGHEthe level below the ground where there is water 地下水位Examples from the Corpuswater table• These conditions are best met in low-lying areas that were once marshland, and which still lie above a plentiful water table.• You've drained the water table and their wells are either dry or running salt water.• How far into the water table have they seeped?• He says the problem is the water table has fallen too low.• Meanwhile, the draining of the small rivers for irrigation has lowered the water table in the region.• A four-year drought in East Anglia and extra demands for water from a burgeoning local population have lowered the water table.• In some places, the water table dropped nearly three hundred feet.• It is easy to see why the water table goes down so rapidly.ˈwater ˌtable nounChineseSyllable  ground water there level is the below Corpus where the




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