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单词 Shortfall
1) There will soon be a shortfall in supply of qualified young people.
2) The shortfall in the budget will be made good by selling further shares.
3) There is an estimated shortfall of some five million dwellings across the country.
4) Several staff were made redundant to meet a shortfall of funds.
5) The move is designed to help offset the shortfall in world oil supplies caused by the UN embargo.
6) Cirrus had warned analysts to expect a significant shortfall.
7) Sloppy accounting was culpable for the shortfall in revenue.
8) Yorkshire Television made good the shortfall and the Electricity Board set to work.
9) Government aides predicted a $4 billion budget shortfall for this year.
10) They know that any shortfall in product quality or deficiency in service is a competitive opportunity.
11) The only shortfall, he said,(http:///shortfall.html) was of facilities for patients with very difficult and challenging behaviour.
12) Its shortfall is in dealing with individuals, patients and physicians say.
13) This compares with a $ 1. 5 million shortfall last year.
14) However, there is still a shortfall of £500,000 which has to be found before negotiations can be concluded.
15) But Taylor insists that the funding shortfall isn't as severe as opponents believe.
16) If they do not meet that shortfall, there will be a sorry start to the future system of community care.
17) Its failing came in the inevitable shortfall between reach and grasp.
18) It follows the discovery of a shortfall in the Anfield books which was spotted by the club accountant.
19) The shortfall was being met by imported eggs from countries where there was no testing or compulsory slaughter of infected flocks.
20) Some analysts say the December sales shortfall helped to push cash flow further into the red than expected, however.
21) The government has refused to make up a £30,000 shortfall in funding.
22) Parents have been asked to pay £30 each to cover the shortfall in the budget.
23) The districts affected by the drought will face a predicted shortfall of 7.5 million gallons a day.
24) We are interested in how to make good that shortfall.
25) The tax increase would help fill an estimated $ 4 billion shortfall in transportation funding over the next two decades.
26) State lawmakers were criticized for failing to provide money to cover the shortfall.
27) Meantime, the tribe is looking for ways to cover the shortfall.
28) His two main sponsors have dropped out of racing for the moment leaving him chasing a £3,000 shortfall.
29) We've had to trim our budget to compensate for a $1.5 million shortfall in revenue.
30) There is a slim chance that you will have to make up the shortfall.
1) There will soon be a shortfall in supply of qualified young people.
31) The latest shortfall, for 1993-94, caused by yet more Republican mischief-making, is regrettable.
32) In 1988, 460,000 students were graduating nationwide, but there was a demand for 700,000 a shortfall, not a surplus.
33) We just can not afford any significant shortfall in our subscription income.
34) The company would meet any shortfall between proceeds of sale and the amount of the bonds.
35) However, in certain limited circumstances you can make voluntary contributions to make up a shortfall in a particular year.
36) Accuracy is cited both in percent error and as the shortfall in ohms.
37) The center had projected a $38,()000 shortfall for its $6.47 million budget.
38) Chief executive Neil Arnold said the shortfall in profits was due to the Co-op's ambitious expansion plans last year.
39) A 5 percent premium shortfall is hardly a national emergency.
40) Hypotheses are ranked by decreasing shortfall, the goal being to find the path with the smallest shortfall covering the whole utterance.
41) He, himself, did not identity a shortfall in March 1992, the context for determining that appeal then.
42) They believe that when all pledges and donations have been received, the shortfall should not be too great.
43) The large shortfall may have been met by supplies of grain from outside the immediate district.
44) Young is in urgent need of funds after an unexpected shortfall in reserves at its opencast sites.
45) But Kohl insists that no tax package can be approved until new ways are found to cover the shortfall in revenues.
46) Therefore, the acquirer should obtain a covenant that the seller will make up any shortfall.
47) So Hinkley C and two further stations would be needed to make up the shortfall.
48) The planned figure at the start of the year was about £30 million, making the true shortfall around 25 percent.
49) That is vastly different from saying that we should consider the shortfall between the fees and the costs incurred by the homes.
50) And if everyone followed it, the Government would find itself facing a severe shortfall.
51) Once again, I understand this year over £1m has to be found again by Darlington Health Authority to meet this shortfall.
52) Even with the supplemental supplies, the affected districts will face a predicted shortfall of 7. 5 million gallons a day.
53) The overall shortfall in goods and services was the smallest since $ 7. 894 billion in December 1994.
54) In 1988, the 10-year budget flagged a shortfall looming about five years out, because of a slowdown in population growth.
55) However, members have recommended taking £385,000 from other capital funds to the housing budget to cover the shortfall.
56) The need for additional staff should be identified at the earliest opportunity after consideration of alternative means of meeting the shortfall.
57) The company has been forced to sell land and stock holdings to recoup some of the shortfall.
58) Before the transfer, the shortfall was met by charities or relatives who topped up income support payments from their own pockets.
59) This week the council said the 7.5 percent pay rise given to teachers left them with an education budget shortfall of £2.5m.
60) After this, your payments will be increased to make up the shortfall.
61) Budget directors are scratching their heads about how to deal with the shortfall.
62) More crucially, however, will she tell the House how the Government will meet the identified shortfall in community care funding?
63) He noted that the city is facing a possible $ 50 million shortfall.
64) But conservation measures could actually meet the shortfall in supply expected by planners.
65) Then, if one market segment sags, others may make up the shortfall.
66) But so far, the average paid attendance has been only 66 percent, a projected $ 800, 000 shortfall.
67) That uncertainty arose after a $ 10 million budget shortfall surfaced in July, days before the start of the school year.
68) The average shortfall of income beneath the poverty line for poor children has also fallen by 31.7 per cent.
69) A DoH spokeswoman is confident that last year's 50 percent increase will help accommodate this year's shortfall.
70) In 1990, for example, pull-out of a bilateral donor caused a funding shortfall of an important multilateral programme.
71) We emphasise in our report that we do not see those measures as a way of dealing with the shortfall.
72) By tradition, crops from Gaza make up the shortfall.
73) There's still a huge shortfall in our funds.
74) a shortfall in tax revenue.
75) This shortfall in compliance has been due mainly to dietary restrictions that are necessary with guaiac-based tests as well as for esthetic reasons associated with stool-specimen collection.
76) That is the largest budget shortfall adjusted for inflation - since 1945.
77) In a few states, borrowers are not liable for the shortfall between an unpaid loan and the resale value of the home it is secured upon.
78) Mr. Obama said shrinking that shortfall would be the top priority for his new budget director.
79) A well-judged budgetary stimulus would help fill the shortfall in demand while debt-laden firms and consumers get their finances in order.
80) A successful stock swap would close a $5.5 billion common equity shortfall that regulators found in a "stress test" of Citigroup's readiness for a severe recession.
81) NATO says there is a shortfall of about 2,300 mentors.
82) Evidently the fund is worried that emerging economies face a large shortfall in external financing, and in turn is concerned that it might suddenly lack the means to plug the gap, if asked.
83) The nuclear deal with China would give Pakistan an additional 680 megawatts of power a year, or just over a quarter of the country's estimated current electricity shortfall.
84) As as financing a current - account shortfall, a country has to repay or roll over existing debts.
85) "Several rich governments are guilty of willful neglect as the aid effort to avert catastrophe in East Africa limps along due to an $800 million shortfall, " an Oxfam statement said.
86) The reduction in charitable income accounts for about $13m of the shortfall, with a further $1.7m of cuts being passed onto the zoo from New York city, which is facing its own budget crisis.
87) The UNHCR says it has a shortfall of $ 11.9 million.
88) In case of any shortfall , an election of additional independent supervisors shall be timely held.
89) Even assuming growth of 15 %, the shortfall would be some $ 400 billion.
90) So my advice is this: Keep the eight-glasses-a-day rule--not as a do-or-die goal, but simply as a tool to remind you to drink enough water to make up for any shortfall from your food.
91) "Under a more realistic test, the actual capital shortfall is likely to be at least ten times the official estimate of 2.5 billion euros," Karaian said.
92) Hence in the event of a default by the bank causes any unreconciled shortfall in the money held in the pooled account, then you may share proportionately in that shortfall.
93) In theory, excess savings produce trade surpluses, and vice - versa, savings shortfall means deficits, he acknowledged.
94) The Indian tobacco prices hit records due to a shortfall in output in some of the major producing countries, including China, last fiscal.
95) It is concluded that the substitutive fuel is one of the most important fields of energy research and utilization in the future due to increasingly shortfall of oil resources.
96) We have to borrow money to cover the shortfall between expenditure and revenue.
97) During past recession scares any shortfall in income from jobs and investments could be bridged by a bank overdraft or loan.
98) Consumption is the lowest of any major nation in modern history, and can't cover the shortfall.
99) Last year the shortfall in America was a whopping 6 % of GDP.
100) In China's south, a shortfall in rice has led buyers to Vietnam. To get round import quotas, they have smuggled in nearly 600,000 tonnes of rice.
101) Indian tobacco prices hit records due to a shortfall in output in some of the major producing countries, including China, last year.
102) There will be a shortfall in wheat supplies this year.
103) Exports rose in value terms as Indian tobacco prices hit records due to a shortfall in output in some of the major producing countries, including China last year, the official said.
104) The Family Trust then sued the Flemings for the shortfall on the sale and interest.
105) In effect, the Fed would "monetize" the debt issued by the federal government to finance the government's shortfall in tax revenue.
106) Another example is worldwide harvest shortfall in staple foods that some countries must import heavily.
107) The Intel Corporation, the semiconductor maker, lowered its profit forecast for its first quarter, blaming a steep drop in prices for memory chips for the shortfall.
108) By failing to move more aggressively to rebalance its unbalanced macrostructure, China runs the real risk of facing a more pronounced shortfall in economic growth.
109) But levelling up the capital requirement, rather than levelling down, has revealed a shortfall in some banks.
110) "A spurt in global demand owing to a production shortfall in major growing countries such as Europe, has made Indian tobacco competitive on the price front, " a senior Board official said.
111) The $150 billion shortfall in November was the 26th straight monthly deficit, the longest streak on record and the largest budget gap for any November.
112) New factories in Cambodia and Vietnam will make up the shortfall.
113) A shortfall fee will be imposed if total premiums paid within the first policy year does not meet the Minimum Initial Investment amount requirement.




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