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单词 watchable
释义 Word family  noun watch watcher adjective watchful watchable verb watch  watch·a·ble /ˈwɒtʃəbəl $ ˈwɑːtʃ-, ˈwɒːtʃ-/ adjective informal  if a film, television programme etc is watchable, it is interesting and enjoyable 值得一看的 a highly watchable film 非常值得看的电影Examples from the Corpuswatchable• But it's always watchable, and always strangely loveable.• Nevertheless, John Dove's production is highly watchable, and boasts a fistful of fine performances.• In person, this seemingly mild man is a great deal more watchable and engaging than some of his movies.• At other times her minimalist approach seems vaguely stilted, and even her immensely watchable face can't carry the day.• Let's not mince words, Cathal Coughlan is the most compulsively watchable frontman in Britain·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  watchable, interesting etc film, programme if a it is is Corpus television




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