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单词 wand
释义  Related topics: Magic, Toolswand1 /wɒnd $ wɑːnd/ noun [countable]  1  ROMa thin stick that you hold in your hand to do magic tricks 〔表演魔术用的〕魔棒wave a (magic) wand (=move a wand about to make something magical happen) 挥动魔棒 I can’t just wave a magic wand and make it all better. 我可没本事一挥魔棒就把什么都变好。2  TZa tool that looks like a thin stick 细棒状工具 a mascara wand 睫毛膏棒Examples from the Corpuswand• Elmer squirts Magic all over with a hose and scrapes the water off with a curved wand.• She looks up from her work, needle half filled in front of her face like a little wand.• Equally, nobody to whom I have spoken thinks that decommissioning is a magic wand.• Don't wait for life to wave its magic wand and make you joyful.• And we accept that there is no magic wand which can be waved to provide a million jobs overnight.• The magic wand of his personality became the national ramrod.• Each card or wand contains an identification number that is read by an electronic sensor, which charges credit-card accounts.• And the long, jewelled box containing the rod, without roses or leaves, that was the wand of his kingship.wave a (magic) wand• But London's pattern of hospitals is such a historical muddle that no one can wave a wand and transform everything overnight.• I ask, if you could wave a magic wand, what would your life look like?• Anyway, I imagined him waving a wand, and the world came into existence.• If that is true, he is waving a magic wand with a sledgehammer on the end.wand2 verb [transitive]  to move a small scanner over something or someone 〔用扫描器〕扫描 We were wanded by security guards before being allowed in. 我们被保安人员用扫描器进行扫描安检后才被允许进入。Origin wand (1100-1200) Old Norse vöndrwand1 nounwand2 verbChinese  you Corpus a that thin stick hold in




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