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单词 general staff
释义  ˌgeneral ˈstaff noun  the general staff PMthe group of military officers who work for a military leader 参谋部〔指全体军事参谋〕Examples from the Corpusgeneral staff• Three days previously he had abolished the post of chief of general staff, held by Vice-Adml.• It had no permanent general staff.• Its rear legs have joined the general staff, who are all in discussion with their backs towards me.• Valery Manilov, deputy chief of the general staff.• Anatoly Kvashnin, chief of the general staff, to cut spending on the nuclear arsenal.• Yet the general staff of overseers is small, only about 40 employees, supplemented by local officials in 94 judicial districts.• The general staff is unhappy and the squaddies disgruntled, but no more than that.ˌgeneral ˈstaff nounChineseSyllable  officers group work who the Corpus military of




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