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单词 wake-up call
释义  ˈwake-up ˌcall noun [countable]  1  an experience or event that shocks you and makes you realize that you must do something to change a situation 警示 The success of extremist groups in the elections should be a wake-up call to all decent citizens. 极端主义团体在选举中获胜,这对于所有正派公民来 说应该是一个警示。2. a telephone call that someone makes to you, especially at a hotel, to wake you up in the morning 〔尤指酒店里的〕叫醒电话 SYN alarm callExamples from the Corpuswake-up call• This should be a wake-up call to everyone.• Clinton recently had a wake-up call.• The latest report on increased drug use is a wake-up call for America.• Seattle was, as everybody now says, a wake-up call.• That had been his wake-up call.• They needed a mighty wake-up call as much as they needed to learn the parts of speech.• My wake-up call arrived when the amount of spam selling lists of e-mail addresses exceeded that pushing miracle diet drugs.ˈwake-up ˌcall nounChineseSyllable  and you Corpus makes you shocks realize event or that experience an




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