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单词 wail
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundswail /weɪl/ verb  1  [transitive]SAY to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining way 大声哭叫;哀诉 ‘But what shall I do?’ Bernard wailed. “但我该怎么办呢?”伯纳德哭喊道。2  [intransitive]CRY to cry out with a long high sound, especially because you are very sad or in pain 〔尤指因悲伤或痛楚而〕恸哭,痛哭 Somewhere behind them a child began to wail. 有个孩子在他们身后的什么地方大哭起来。► see thesaurus at cry3  [intransitive]C to make a long high sound 呼啸,尖啸 The wind wailed in the chimney. 风灌进烟囱里呼呼作响。 —wail noun [countable] the wail of police sirens 警笛的尖啸→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswail• "The world is coming to an end!" the woman wailed.• Somewhere to the rear a child began to wail.• I begin to wail and Connie looks worried and returns with little funny steps to his corner.• He started wailing and crying and pulling at the corpses and had to be dragged away.• He wailed and gagged as people walked by.• Moza wailed, her voice hoarse with dread.• Better to leave your audience wailing in the dark, shaking their fists, some crying How?, others why?• I called Narendra and wailed into the phone.• People were wailing on the streets.• Gods, how those clods had wailed when they had seen his proud lion-masked visage!Origin wail (1200-1300) From a Scandinavian languagewail verbChinese  sad, loud, a something say in to Corpus




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