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单词 Against
1) There is no medicine against death. 
2) Save money against a rainy day. 
3) No fence against (for) ill fortune. 
4) A house divided against itself cannot stand. 
5) No fence against (an) ill fortune. 
6) If a house be divided against itself,(http:///against.html) that house cannot stand. 
7) Really, what we want now, is not laws, against crime, but a law a -gainst insaity. 
8) A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 
9) The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve. 
10) The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between. 
11) Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.
12) The new evidence weakens the case against her.
13) Police used water cannon and tear gas against demonstrators.
14) He hurt his head by running against a wall.
15) Buying a house will be a hedge against inflation.
16) There is widespread prejudice against workers over 45.
17) The pound was devalued against the US dollar.
18) The car rammed against/into the lorry.
19) Corbett leaned against the wall and promptly vomited.
20) They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.
21) The boat bumped against a solid object.
22) She raged against her husband for some household affairs.
23) Doctors have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases.
24) He's always railing against his wife about her extravagance.
25) The hills stood stark against the winter sky.
26) Discrimination against women is not allowed.
27) It is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. 
28) Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 
29) It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. 
30) When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 
1) Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.
2) The new evidence weakens the case against her.
3) There is widespread prejudice against workers over 45.
4) They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.
5) The slaves rebelled against their masters.
6) She sank back against/into the cushions.
7) He made an accusation against me.
8) The fireworks looked very splendid against the dark sky.
9) He leaned his back against the wall.
10) It is against the law to steal.
11) They've got me up against a wall.
12) Is he favorable to or against the proposal?
13) All his former friends turned against him.
14) Are you for or against the death penalty?
15) Are you for or against his idea?
16) He pressed his nose up against the window.
17) His heart thudded madly against his ribs.
18) We're playing against the league champions next week.
19) He appealed against the judge's decision.
20) Violent crimes against the elderly are fortunately very uncommon.
21) He butted his head against the wall.
22) They decided against taking legal action.
23) The city was heavily defended against attack.
24) The shoe pressed painfully against her big toe.
25) Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.
26) She closed her eyes against the brilliant light .
27) He plans to appeal against his conviction.
28) A lawsuit has been filed against the company.
29) The odds are heavily against him .
30) France won by six goals to two against Denmark.
31) I cautioned him against the danger.
32) They were brought up against unexpected delays.
33) The rain splattered against the french windows.
34) Some institutions still have a strong bias against women.
35) She sank back against/into the cushions.
36) We will introduce legal safeguards against fraud.
37) She had discharged herself against medical advice.
38) I resent the charges of incompetence made against me.
39) It is advisable to insure your life against accident.
40) They responsed with assaults against the enemy's bases.
41) There is widespread discrimination against doctors of Asian origin.
42) The evidence against the two men was inconclusive.
43) She clinked her glass against his.
44) Why do you argue against me?
45) We have evidence to substantiate the allegations against him.
46) He issued a writ against the newspaper.
47) The local police took swift action against the squatters.
48) Fate was strongly biased against him.
49) The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack.
50) You should not discriminate against minorities.
51) She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.
52) They institute a suit against him.
53) Ministerial colleagues were briefing against him.
54) They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.
55) The people revolted against their king.
56) Does the procedure provide adequate safeguards against corruption?
57) Richter is accused of committing treason against the state.
58) I often dispute against my friends.
59) They have to contend against draught every year.
60) He strongly objected against the decision.
31) Please put the ladder against the wall.
32) She sat back, nestling against his chest.
33) Every council member voted against the proposal.
34) She spoke against the decision to close the college.
35) The army officers led a revolution against the king.
36) She was forced to marry against her will.
37) The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies.
38) Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.
39) Eastern Europe was important to Russia as a buffer against the West.
40) There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.
41) In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.
42) There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government.
43) The United States has taken sanctions against Iraq for 10 years.
44) The firm is too small to contend against large international companies.
45) The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
46) The Republicans have launched a strong counterattack against the Democrats' manifesto.
47) The government has expressed "deep dismay" at police violence against protesters.
48) The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill was clear against the winter sky.
49) We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us.
50) They discussed the propriety of treating ill children against the wishes of the parents.
51) Groups of women took to the streets to protest against the arrests.
52) The dollar surged against the yen in the final half hour of trading.
53) They battled against other Indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.
54) He hugged a large box of chocolate against his body.
55) He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air.
56) Parents have been warned against allowing children to graze on sweets and snacks .
57) The contract contained a restrictive covenant against building on the land.
58) The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom.
59) Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.
60) When the enemy attacked, we were completely powerless against them.
61) The laboratory was well insulated against all outside noise.
62) They warred against the opposing army 8 years.
63) He won his first cap for England against France.
64) The car bumped against the kerb.
65) Are you for or against the death penalty?
65) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
66) Teenagers often go against the stream.
67) The priest delivered a passionate sermon/speech against war.
68) He is heavily insured against death.
69) The coat gives permanent protection against heavy rain.
70) They are preparing against a drought.
71) He pressed his nose up against the window.
72) The new card will safeguard the company against fraud.
73) He propped his bike against a tree.
74) His heart thudded madly against his ribs.
75) We're playing against the league champions next week.
76) He acted against his father's will.
77) She declaimed against the evils of capitalism.
78) These dissipations make against your chance of success.
79) Violent crimes against the elderly are fortunately very uncommon.
80) The public prosecutor charged treason against the prisoner.
81) He butted his head against the wall.
82) The newspapers clamoured against the government's policy.
83) The voting system is weighted against the smaller parties.
84) They decided against taking legal action.
85) The city was heavily defended against attack.
86) Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father.
87) He bashed his arm against a shelf.
88) He squashed his nose against the window.
89) She closed her eyes against the brilliant light .
90) He plans to appeal against his conviction.
61) The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.
62) Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.
63) You have to set the advantages of the scheme against the disadvantages.
64) The dollar has been revalued against all world currency.
65) The Smiths brought a prosecution against the organizers.
65) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
66) We can't hope to prevail against such overwhelming odds.
67) I delivered a verbal protest against their brutal acts.
68) They are ready against the possible invasion.
69) They had to contend against drought.
70) An agricultural lobby is against a law to allow importing cotton from Egypt.
71) The people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule.
72) Prison is the best sanction against a crime like this.
73) He was far from impressive in his semi - final against Federer.
74) The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.
75) The physician made a prescription against sea - sickness for him.
76) His teeth were a gleaming flash of white against his tan.
77) His eagerness will not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent.
78) The clean - air lobby are / is against the plans for the new factory.
79) Are you ready to plead against the case offered by the defendant?
91) The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament.
92) My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.
93) He has been harbouring a grudge against me.
94) The present law discriminates unfairly against women.
95) His dogs were inoculated against rabies.
96) All who saw the distressing scene revolted against it.
97) They decided against a picnic in the park.
98) The odds are heavily against him .
99) France won by six goals to two against Denmark.
100) She sat back,(http:///against.html) nestling against his chest.
101) He led a mutiny against the captain.
102) Every council member voted against the proposal.
103) We could hear waves crashing on/against the shore.
104) NATO directed the attacks against the bridge.
105) She spoke against the decision to close the college.
106) She flattened her nose and lips against the window.
107) The huge trees were profiled against the night sky.
108) There are many arguments against smoking.
109) He warned against making hasty decisions.
110) She was forced to marry against her will.
111) He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.
112) A dark shape stood silhouetted against the bright morning sky.
113) The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies.
114) They were accused of being privy to the plot against the king.
115) The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.
116) Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.
117) Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government.
118) Eastern Europe was important to Russia as a buffer against the West.
119) He's already in training for the big race against Bailey.
120) Without doubt, the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate, but we should, nevertheless, make use of its positive side, uniting with it as well as struggling against it.
121) There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.
122) In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.
123) Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.
124) There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government.
125) The United States has taken sanctions against Iraq for 10 years.
126) Her testimony works against his chance of success as a politician.
127) The firm is too small to contend against large international companies.
128) I went to the boss to remonstrate against the new rules.
129) She'd made some overseas investments as a hedge against rising inflation in this country.
130) The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
131) It has been confirmed that Lewis's next fight will be against Bruno.
132) A kid I used to be friends with turned against me after being told that I'd been insulting him.
133) They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation.
134) Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
135) They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling.
136) The pound has hit a new low against the dollar.
137) The Broadcasting Act allows ministers to proscribe any channel that offends against good taste and decency.
138) She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.
139) The Republicans have launched a strong counterattack against the Democrats' manifesto.
140) The government wants to take a hard line against the strikers.
141) There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.
142) Small businesses have lobbied hard for/against changes in the tax laws.
143) The government has expressed "deep dismay" at police violence against protesters.
144) They were virtually impotent against the power of the large companies.
145) A number of serious accusations have been made against her.
146) He seemed a bit biased against women in my opinion.
147) The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill was clear against the winter sky.
148) We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us.
149) They discussed the propriety of treating ill children against the wishes of the parents.
150) It is necessary that a person should provide against a raing day.
151) I stubbed my toe against the foot of the table.
152) The family is seeking an injunction against the book's publication.
153) Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
154) He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal .
155) Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.
156) You must balance the high salary against the long working hours.
157) These political developments should be seen against a background of increasing East-West tension.
158) Groups of women took to the streets to protest against the arrests.
159) The contemporary hero is one who stands out against the crowd to fulfil a personal destiny.
160) I felt a sudden urge to smash the teapot against the wall.
161) Soon the bombers would return,(http:///against.html) black silhouettes against a pale sky.
162) The United Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country.
163) Running away was an act of defiance against his parents.
164) He threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.
165) There were 21 votes for and 17 against the motion, with 2 abstentions.
166) Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack.
167) Many people have been stockpiling food as a precaution against shortages.
168) I know where I stand on this issue - I'm against the war.
169) There he sat, cowering against the wall, blubbering like a child.
170) The children had no protection against the tyranny of their father.
171) You should insure against loss of heat by having double glazing.
172) In an investigation, a new fact became known, which told against him.
173) A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get at the leaves.
174) In this society there is a taboo on/against any sort of public display of affection.
175) The dollar surged against the yen in the final half hour of trading.
176) A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents.
177) Her promise was deliberately misquoted by her opponents, who then used it against her.
178) You should ensure against loss of heat by having double glazing.
179) They wanted me to sign a petition against experiments on animals.
180) Better street lighting has helped reduce the number of assaults against women.
181) They battled against other Indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.
182) His arrival clearly puts a huge question mark against the future of the present team captain.
183) He was very cold, so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
184) This is something of a grudge match against a long-term enemy.
185) How much will it cost to insure my car against accident?
186) I bought another safety lock as an additional insurance against thieves.
187) Insurance companies try to persuade them to cover themselves against illness or death.
188) ASH, the anti-smoking group, called the new regulations a turning point in the campaign against smoking.
189) He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air.
190) Parents have been warned against allowing children to graze on sweets and snacks .
191) The university has a bias towards/in favour of/against the sciences.
192) It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders.
193) They have decided to initiate legal proceedings against the newspaper.
194) The contract contained a restrictive covenant against building on the land.
195) The value of sterling increased against several other currencies yesterday.
196) I knocked the cup against the table and broke it.
197) He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk .
198) In his haste,he clashed the cup against the corner of the table.
199) Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.
200) When the enemy attacked, we were completely powerless against them.
201) The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.
202) Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.
203) Index - linked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases.
204) The workers staged a protest against the proposed changes in their contracts.
205) As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.
206) He struggled to swim against the flow of the water.
207) You have to set the advantages of the scheme against the disadvantages.




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