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单词 vote of no confidence
释义  Related topics: Votingˌvote of no ˈconfidence noun (plural votes of no confidence) [countable]  1  PPVAGAINST/OPPOSEa formal process in which people vote in order to show that they do not support someone or something, especially the government 〔尤指对政府的〕不信任投票,不信任表决vote of no confidence in On April 22 the National Assembly passed a vote of no confidence in the government. 4月22日,国民议会通过了对政府的不信任投票。2. AGAINST/OPPOSEsomething that you do or say that shows that you do not support someone 不赞同[不支持]的表示Examples from the Corpusvote of no confidence• He was ousted after losing a vote of no confidence in the federal assembly.• Mr Trimble could face a leadership contest or a vote of no confidence at the party's annual general meeting next week.• At the beginning of November 1989 Namaliu survived what was becoming the regular six-monthly vote of no confidence.• Happily, before the vote of no confidence, parliament set it right by passing a new electoral law.• The vote of no confidence was a final humiliation for a government that had been clinging to office.ˌvote of no ˈconfidence nounChineseSyllable  to Corpus formal people process in a order which vote in




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