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单词 voluntary
释义 Word family  noun volunteer adjective voluntary ≠ involuntary verb volunteer adverb voluntarily ≠ involuntarily  vol·un·ta·ry1 /ˈvɒləntəri $ ˈvɑːlənteri/ ●●○ W3 AWL adjective  1  WILLING a) SSOFREE/COST NOTHING voluntary organization/association/agency etc an organization etc that is organized or supported by people who give their money, services etc because they want to and who do not intend to make a profit 志愿组织/协会/机构等 → volunteer a voluntary organization providing help for the elderly 为老年人提供帮助的志愿组织 environmental work carried out by the voluntary sector 由志愿部门开展的环境保护工作 b) voluntary work/service etc work etc that is done by people who do it because they want to, and who are not paid 志愿工作/服务等 She does a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross. 她为红十字会做大量的志愿工作。 a drop-in centre for homeless people, run on a voluntary basis 志愿组织开办的无家可归者援助中心2  WILLINGdone willingly and without being forced 自愿的,自动的 Workers are being encouraged to take voluntary redundancy. 工人被鼓励主动离职。 → compulsory3. technicalHBAHBH voluntary movements of your body are controlled by your conscious mind 〔身体活动〕自主的,随意的,自由的 OPP involuntaryn COLLOCATIONSnounsa voluntary organization/group/body/agencyThe day care scheme was run by a voluntary organization.the voluntary sector (=voluntary work and the people involved in it)What is the role of the voluntary sector in sport?voluntary work/serviceHe does voluntary work with young offenders.phraseson a voluntary basisGuide and Scout leaders work on a voluntary basis.Examples from the Corpusvoluntary• Participation in the program is strictly voluntary.• Playing sport on Saturday at school was entirely voluntary.• By being voluntary and reversible, this arrangement avoids being stigmatized by the United Nations as colonial.• The district is calling for a voluntary ban on using wood-burning stoves, in order to improve air quality.• Social responsibility is thus not merely a matter of the adoption of changed standards on a voluntary basis.• Most charities rely on voluntary contributions from the public.• We get all our money from voluntary contributions.• Throughout history the voluntary control of sexuality has been a major preoccupation of all religions, all cultures, all peoples.• voluntary cooperation• The group consists of both professional and voluntary lay members.• Lane has been convicted of attempted voluntary manslaughter and is in custody awaiting sentencing next month.• Shortly after his death and resurrection, the early Christians began to collect church funds through voluntary offerings.• Such New Men would find real contentment through voluntary partnerships with New Women.• Since retiring Martha has been doing voluntary work for the Red Cross.• When she retired, she did a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.• It is often the case that voluntary work, of any kind, shows commitment and dedication and impresses employers.• The council is trying to get more young people involved in doing voluntary work.Related topics: Musicvoluntary2 noun (plural voluntaries) [countable]  APMa piece of music played in church, usually by the organ 〔教堂中的〕(管风琴)演奏曲Examples from the Corpusvoluntary• Where there is adequate equipment, consideration should be given to the use of pre-recorded hymn accompaniments and voluntaries.From Longman Business Dictionaryvoluntaryvol‧un‧ta‧ry /ˈvɒləntəriˈvɑːlənteri/ adjective1done or agreed to willingly and without being forcedHe suggested that workers take voluntary pay cuts to help the economy.Cigar advertising on television is banned under a voluntary agreement.The company was wound up on a voluntary basis.2voluntary work/service etc work etc that is done by people who do it because they want to and are not paid, or are paid very littleIn her spare time, Elaine does voluntary work for a mental health charity.Origin voluntary1 (1300-1400) Latin voluntarius, from voluntas “will”, from velle “to will, wish”vol·un·ta·ry1 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1voluntary2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  etc is Business or that organized supported by organization people an Corpus




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