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单词 Toby
1. Toby would have liked to inquire further .
2. How's young Master Toby today?
3. Toby was quick-witted and entertaining.
4. Seriously though , I think Toby likes you.
5. Of course, Toby, my dear fellow, of course.
6. 'I want to go home,' whined Toby.
7. I still couldn't understand what Toby was driving at.
8. I caught Toby raiding the fridge.
9. It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.
10. 'That's her,' said Toby,(Sentence dictionary) indicating a girl on the other side of the room.
11. I started to feel Toby was driving a wedge between us.
12. Toby took a step backwards and knocked the video camera for six.
13. Toby ran away from home at the age of 14.
14. Out in the corridor Toby found he was sweating.
15. Brandon Ross, electric guitar, and Toby Williams on drums.
16. Toby Bailey was named Pac-10 player of the week.
17. Toby talks about you all the time.
18. Toby would have liked to inquire further, but had feared a snub at his age and inexperience.
19. Toby nudged my arm. "That's the guy I told you about," he whispered.
20. Toby Ewers put in another sterling performance in the youths mile, finishing a clear winner in 4 mins. 44.
21. Toby, next morning, was inclined to regard it as a great victory.
22. Toby saw him take up the pile of wet flannel from beside the bath and chuck it at his face.
23. Toby Gledhill was one of Alex's most brilliant young scientists.
24. The Martell Cup Chase was won by the evens favourite Toby Tobias.
25. But his replacement, Kris Johnson, led all scorers with 30 points, and Toby Bailey added 22.
26. The coolness of the water roused me from my reverie, and I left the bath and decided to telephone Toby Greenslade.
27. Within a fortnight, Kate was white and taut from lack of sleep and anxiety, but Toby was blooming.
28. Sprawled on the floor with hands and feet tied and sticking plaster over his mouth was my friend Toby.
29. A squealing young woman called Clarissa was being chased along a passage by a young man called Toby.
30. At 10 o'clock I hobbled around the kennels while the kennel girl watched Toby.
31. Despite his utterances during the brief encounter with Toby, Dominic had actually been surprised to be offered the job.
32. As he entered, he recognized Lord Toby Cheetham, precisely the kind of man he was seeking.
33. As we set off back to London, Toby opened his parcel.
34. Toby was persuading a buxom young waitress to bring him a bottle of champagne from the supper room.
35. Toby winning a victory over the headmaster on Monday night which made him chary of challenging him again on Wednesday.
36. A few deft strokes with a metal bar and Toby was free!
37. To further pleas from Toby not to touch him I raced upstairs, grabbed a duvet and put it round him.
38. Toby, leaving a judicious interval, strolled back towards the classrooms.
39. She sensed danger for Toby,(Sentence dictionary) but didn't know how to avoid it.
40. This was strong stuff, even if it was wrapped up as mere journalistic conjecture, and obviously Toby knew or suspected something.
41. Toby Balding has confirmed Cool Ground as a definite starter.
42. I sat by Toby, and stopped myself asking the questions which were dashing through my head.
43. On Monday afternoon and evening Toby once again enjoyed undisputed sway in the boarding annexe of Burleigh.
44. As well as proving to Anthea he meant business, it would put one over that nauseating Toby Latimer in no mean fashion.
45. Toby was the hottest property in show business.
46. Everybody but Toby enters into this skirmish.
47. Toby was propped up in bed, staring at nothingness.
48. I don't like the sound of Toby Osborne.
49. Toby went to the Barbershop again.
50. There were myriad stories about Toby, and nearly all of them were true.
51. Jill counteracted the feeling of tiredness by giving him benzedrine at breakfast so that Toby would have enough energy to get through the day.
52. [Thomas, Percy and Toby are] a bit like three small boys —but yet rather more commonsense and know-how and streetwise than your average three small boys.
53. Toby turned to look at Jill and naked adoration shone from his eyes.
54. Tenma unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chellonese father - son relationshellop.
55. It has been fun," said Airman 1st Class Toby Schultz from Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.
56. The premiere of Toby. Temple's first movie had gone remarkably well.
57. Absent just cause, Toby. The Breathalyzer's an illegal search. It's a civil rights violation.
58. Richard Schiff is fantastic as Toby Ziegler, the prickly, mumbly Communications Director.
59. Toby knew it, and bathing Clifton had become a blood sport.
60. My uncle Toby had scarce a heart to retaliate upon a fly.
61. Surprised as I was to see his overstuffed duffle, I was even more surprised to see pockmarked Toby step through the open window after his brother, an identical duffle slung over his shoulder.
62. Toby: Dude, I was in the city yesterday and saw that trucker hats are in.




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