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单词 Withdrew
1 Both powers withdrew their forces from the region.
2 Mother withdrew $100 from her account.
3 She hastily withdrew her hand from his.
4 I quickly withdrew my hand from the stove.
5 She withdrew her hand from his.
6 She withdrew to an inner room.
7 She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
8 He reached into his pocket and withdrew a sheet of notepaper.
9 He withdrew to confer with his teacher before announcing a decision.
10 We withdrew to the garden for a private talk.
11 He withdrew from the room.
12 Claudia withdrew her hand from his.
13 She withdrew her amendment and left the meeting.
14 She quickly withdrew her hand from the hot iron.
15 Bill's parents withdrew him from school.
16 She later withdrew her candidacy .
17 Workers withdrew their labour for twenty-four hours.
18 She withdrew from the course because of illness.
19 He withdrew from the race.
20 He gestured to the guards and they withdrew.
21 She withdrew a document from her briefcase.
22 He withdrew his support for our campaign.
23 Last night he unconditionally withdrew his comments.
24 She formally withdrew her resignation.
25 US forces withdrew after suffering heavy losses .
26 The company withdrew their offer of employment.
27 At the committal proceedings the police withdrew their case.
28 She withdrew all her savings and left the country.
29 She withdrew the offer in a fit of petulance.
30 Slowly Ruth withdrew her hand from his.
1 Both powers withdrew their forces from the region.
2 Mother withdrew $100 from her account.
3 She hastily withdrew her hand from his.
4 I quickly withdrew my hand from the stove.
5 She withdrew her hand from his.
6 She withdrew to an inner room.
7 She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
8 He reached into his pocket and withdrew a sheet of notepaper.
9 He withdrew to confer with his teacher before announcing a decision.
10 He withdrew from the room.
11 She quickly withdrew her hand from the hot iron.
12 Bill's parents withdrew him from school.
31 She inexplicably withdrew the offer.
32 Cassandra withdrew her hand from Roger's.
33 She withdrew into her own world.
34 At the age of 70, she withdrew into graceful retirement.
35 As a child, she frequently withdrew into her own fantasy world.
36 Myers finally bowed to the inevitable and withdrew from the campaign.
37 He withdrew his remarks and explained what he had meant to say.
38 To the mortification of the show's organizers, the top performers withdrew at the last minute.
39 He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew.
40 The UN withdrew its relief personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous.
41 I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account.
42 He couldn't believe his luck when the other candidate for the job withdrew.
43 Unless Hitler withdrew his troops from Poland by 11 o'clock that morning(), a state of war would exist between Great Britain and Germany.
44 He eventually withdrew in favour of Blair, thought to be the more popular candidate.
45 Staff withdrew from the main part of the prison but secured the perimeter.
46 They withdrew 100 dollars from a bank account after checking out of their hotel.
47 He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot.
48 A puppet government was installed as the occupying forces withdrew.
49 He pulled back forces from Mongolia, and he withdrew from Afghanistan.
50 Following his nervous breakdown, he withdrew from public life and refused to give any interviews.
51 Troops withdrew from the north east of the country last March.
52 She withdrew $50 from her savings account and bought a gift for her friend.
53 They withdrew their objections with as good a grace as they could manage.
54 She withdrew into herself and didn't speak to others in the morning.
55 Later, the witness who had testified against Muawad withdrew his allegation.
56 After the accident, he withdrew into himself and refused to talk to family or friends.
57 His smile faltered when he withdrew his hand.
58 They withdrew after each foray, and the Vietminh returned.
59 They later withdrew from the competition.
60 The hand withdrew, three middle fingers slathered.
61 I withdrew $200 from my savings account.
62 Sukarno procrastinated; tempers flared up, the students withdrew.
63 I sat up and she withdrew her hand.
64 He muttered something inaudible and withdrew.
65 Eight opposition candidates withdrew shortly before polling.
66 Next day, Lothar withdrew southwestwards, to Fontenoy.
67 Murphy withdrew that nomination Feb. 16.
68 The hooligan froze, and withdrew.
69 Phil Gramm withdrew from the race.
70 She withdrew her allegations of sex discrimination at work.
71 The next day they withdrew under sporadic artillery bombardment.
72 The witness later withdrew his testimony.
73 The government withdrew facilities for independent radio stations.
74 Mary said that she was very sorry and that she withdrew the accusation unreservedly.
75 I thanked her and she withdrew back into her parlour.
76 She became the first woman to enter the school but withdrew after a few days because of stress.
77 But when police crossed the area on Friday, the Red Cross withdrew from the residence for almost six hours.
78 Jovic formally withdrew his resignation at the next meeting of the Federal Presidency on March 21.
79 At this point we suspected that she was hypersensitive to dexamethasone and therefore withdrew the drug.
80 On 23 November, Pollitt and Campbell withdrew their support from the initial statement and were readmitted to their positions.
81 As the months passed, however, the latter withdrew to pursue their goals separately.
82 Vince Tobin withdrew his candidacy for the job after both men got death threats from Ditka fanatics.
83 When they had eaten their lunch in the dining room they withdrew to their rooms for a siesta.
84 Raids on farms were also reported and public transport was paralysed in the capital, Lima, as bus operators withdrew services.
85 The fat man withdrew, drawing a baffle-curtain across the mouth of the Astropath's furry womb-cave.
86 The machinery in the winding house was blown before the parties withdrew carrying Gerard Brett.
87 Sydney withdrew out of range and bombarded Emden with shells from her 6in guns until she caught fire.
88 He withdrew his hand and turned from her, standing in his saddle and looking out across the valley.
89 Exxon subsequently withdrew guilty pleas to four misdemeanour charges relating to the spill, thereby formally dissolving the out of court settlement.
90 They withdrew their support and Fawcett, whom they had seconded to the project, moved on to other research.
91 At nightfall Thomas withdrew his troops to Rossville, and the two-day battle was over.
92 On Saturday, the joint chiefs met with Arteaga and formally withdrew support from Bucaram.
93 She withdrew more and more completely, and displayed total disregard for her own well-being.
94 He did not make himself difficult or outwardly rebellious, he simply withdrew.
95 It withdrew shortly after 241 marines were killed in a single truck bomb attack on their barracks.
96 Napier fired the buildings and, his mission accomplished, withdrew to the coast.
97 Bonn has not cut official diplomatic relations with Baghdad but it withdrew all diplomatic personnel long ago.
98 His close rival, the Maharaja of Rewa, reached a total of 500 and then withdrew from the contest.
99 Getting alarmed I pushed my hand under his jacket and withdrew it covered with blood.
100 As he withdrew his hand he felt the coldness of the knife and corkscrew against his flesh.
101 He reached into his shirt and withdrew a slender leather case.
102 After a lengthy civil war, the groups agreed to a national election in 1992 and foreign troops withdrew.
103 The developers withdrew their request to build on the land.
104 After an arson fire destroyed one of the metal houses, the fire inspector withdrew his support for the project.
105 CareFirst withdrew from the federal Medicare program last year and limited its Maryland Medicaid coverage to the city of Baltimore.
106 And then Hardin withdrew a two-credit coin from his vest pocket.
107 Beginning in 1976, they withdrew from public view, living in camps in Wyoming and then houses in Dallas and Denver.
108 This is because polytechnic directors who tried to list their institutions withdrew under threat of legal action.
109 Minton, by now tired of publicity and fuss, refused and the hotel withdrew its offer.
110 Seligson withdrew his candidacy and wrote a biting letter to Harleston.
111 He withdrew from active life and retired to Kenilworth where on the 4 January 1927 he died at the age of seventy-seven.
112 She withdrew her glance instantly and contemplated the shepherd's pie which had opportunely arrived at their table.
113 He immediately withdrew the patrol to a safe distance and together they began to clear the area for any other suspicious signs.
114 Others withdrew billions more, driving down the peso in a speculative panic.
115 Since the leaders of these parties then withdrew their candidacies for the prime ministership, the field was clear for Netanyahu.
116 Bush withdrew his troops and money from the state early in 1992, leaving legislative hopefuls to fend for themselves.
117 In December, the agency withdrew its 1987 guideline recommending regular mammograms for all women 40 and older.
118 In January this year, the Legal Aid Board decided they had made a mistake, and withdrew legal aid.
119 In 1999 the mining industry withdrew in frustration from several key land use planning tables.
120 On the eve of shooting, the co-production partner - an offshore bank - withdrew from the project.
121 Bower was leading in the polls, but he withdrew when the scandal hit the press.
122 Under torture he admitted to some of the charges, vague though they were, but later withdrew.
123 They withdrew in the wake of the January 1994 Northridge earthquake, which caused $ 8 billion worth of insured residential losses.
124 Ray withdrew his confession, saying that he had been coerced by the police.
125 The card suffered a big blow when Phoenix junior-flyweight Michael Carbajal withdrew because of pneumonia.
126 They report that 21% withdrew before completing their higher education course,[http:///withdrew.html] but only 12.5% withdrew because of failure in assessed work.
127 Omar expressed anxiety that we might be attacked as we withdrew from Bahdu, but Ali Wali guaranteed our safety.
128 Wallace then withdrew from the contest after running 51 7 miles in 7 7 hours.
129 Then they withdrew the arrows and held them up to view as before, with triumphant yelps.
130 Alice Fell was such a stumbling-block that Wordsworth withdrew it from the 1820 edition of his poems.
131 In October a former Minister, Charles Fiterman, withdrew formally from conference preparations, complaining about lack of internal democracy.
132 I left her glaring and withdrew from the group, to find Jules waiting for me.
133 In 1564 he abruptly withdrew from Moscow and threatened to abdicate.
134 Three Assembly members later withdrew their support from the motion.
135 As a result of the Paris peace negotiations, most American forces withdrew from Vietnam in 1973.
136 Ginsberg withdrew his application to become Attorney General after it was revealed that he had smoked marijuana at college.
137 On Dec. 29 Eitan's right-wing nationalist Tsomet Party formally withdrew from the ruling coalition.
138 The ambassador frowned and withdrew the cigar from his mouth.
139 There were no apparent differences at baseline between the patients who withdrew and those remaining in the study.
140 When they eventually withdrew they took with them four thousand slaves and great herds of cattle.
141 The hand on her knee withdrew and Lucenzo's body relaxed.
142 The man in the room withdrew his arm and shook it free of slivers before turning the gun around ready for use.
143 The witness who had testified against him withdrew her allegation.
144 One other patient withdrew from the trial because of development of a painful rectum during radiotherapy.
145 Kerry White, of all people, piped up and withdrew from his top pocket a crumpled but entire Camel.
146 The publishers withdrew the book from circulation and removed the offending passages.
147 Mr Gubbay said that the appointment of a replacement was illegal, and withdrew his offer to take early retirement.
148 Discouraged by her failed marriages, she gradually withdrew from the world.
149 Chanda Rubin withdrew from Wimbledon after struggling much of the season with a wrist injury.
150 He also filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Dallas that year, although he later withdrew the petition.
151 Satisfied, he withdrew to the far corner of the cage and settled down again.
152 He went to his safe and withdrew with slim brown fingers the green United States passport, and handed it back.
153 The steak restaurant chain Buffalo Grill withdrew the cuts from its menus last weekend.
154 She withdrew because her case has been taken over by the local authority, her solicitor Alistair Babbington said.
155 He hesitated, then did the same and withdrew into a corner.
156 Claiming their masks were ineffective against the gas employed by the marshals,[] the state troopers withdrew from the campus.
157 Her lawyer, C.. Fred Welensky of Boston, withdrew those when he filed suit.
158 Richard Lugar of Indiana withdrew as presidential candidates and threw their support to Dole.
159 After her death in 1982 he withdrew even more from social life.
160 The union withdrew its support; the women lost their case for unfair dismissal as a consequence.
161 He withdrew three hundred, put the cash in his pocket, and continued uptown.
162 And others were so deeply affected that they withdrew from the community, shutting themselves away in their homes.
163 He lifted his hand, hesitating, but withdrew it again and sat awhile, quite still.
164 And as he withdrew to plunge again into her willing vagina, she realised she didn't mind which orifice he filled.
165 Callas was originally scheduled, but withdrew and Nilsson stepped in at fairly short notice.
166 Once again, the High Authority had to admit defeat, and withdrew its proposal.
167 The killer stole £8,500 she withdrew from an account the previous day.
168 The U. S. Army withdrew in 1934 after several uprisings and revolts.
169 Theresa hesitated, looked to her father, who nodded his head a little as he withdrew to his study.
170 He exulted and from the pocket of his long robe withdrew a self-powered Atomo bulb that filled the room with pearly light.
171 The Labour Party gave its evidence and for practical purposes withdrew from the proceedings.
172 The Arab delegations withdrew from the talks on Dec. 17, the final scheduled day, in protest at the deportations.
173 The wealthy Bombay and Ahmedabad magnates thereupon withdrew their financial support of the ashram.
174 Tony Norman, the Sunderland keeper, also withdrew after suffering a reaction to a hand operation.
175 When the Prussians withdrew from Croisset, the house had to be fumigated.
176 I withdrew into my reluctant imagination. 13 Anna lay back in the bath, staring at the wall tiles.
177 Inner and outer worlds coalesced, and he withdrew from me again.
178 The government agency withdrew facilities for 160 centres countrywide, because the beef they handled was deemed below the required level.
179 At least one and maybe two other blacks submitted resumes but later withdrew, Roberts said.
180 She handed Ietia her drink, fingers brushing her, and quicKly withdrew her hand as if from fire.
181 He withdrew saving from a major bank just two days before it was declared insolvent.
182 Voice over Jaguar has already served a writ on one customer who withdrew his order.
183 She withdrew her hand from his grasp, and turned to leave the room.
184 When the hammering stopped and they withdrew, it was noted that a rope hung from the cross-beam.
185 The United States withdrew its complaint under heavy international criticism.
186 Last year Boeing withdrew from a research project for a new supersonic plane because of the daunting cost.
187 In any event, in mid-April he withdrew from the contest.
188 Henry then withdrew to the relative safety of Richard's stronghold at Aixe.
189 The publishers withdrew all 10,000 copies of the book from sale.
190 Begin and Bishara, never real contenders for the premiership, withdrew from the electoral race the weekend before the election.
191 He withdrew it when it was agreed to omit the paragraph in its entirety.
192 Very soon afterwards, the archdiocese withdrew its plans and the church thankfully continues in use.
193 Nicholas withdrew his own hands and placed them lightly on her two shoulders.
194 With his back to her he opened the leather briefcase that lay there(), withdrew a buff folder and refastened the briefcase.
195 He slipped out of the pony harness, withdrew the slim plastic tube and emptied the sticky gerbils back into their cage.
196 But he withdrew his own nomination less than 12 hours later when his involvement with Maze escaper James Clarke became public.
197 By the age of 30 his work had changed radically and he withdrew all his previously published music.
198 The disparity arises because some of those who lost their jobs withdrew from the labour market, perhaps through early retirement.
199 Kenworthy withdrew into his bedroom, washed and shaved.
200 Pompey and his senatorial followers immediately withdrew to Greece.
201 He withdrew. Early in eighteen sixty-three, he tried again.
202 He withdrew deeply and scornfully into his cell.
203 He and the others withdrew to their rented rooms.
204 The government systematically withdrew official and institutional advertising.
205 Hurgo withdrew , with much civility and cheerful countenance.
206 Dr. McEwan fretted irritably as he withdrew the otoscope from old Rudy's ear.
207 Where Dickinson withdrew into the self, Higginson, a passionate abolitionist, tried to realise his ideals, but both were paradoxical individuals.
208 Then he withdrew to a corner and sat glowering at his wife.
209 The French were dealt another blow yesterday when Serge Viars withdrew from the squad.
210 I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously.
211 When he'd heard enough, de Roquefort freed the microphone from thewindow and withdrew with his two associates to the safety of a thick stand oftrees.
212 In 1923 Churchill withdrew from the Liberty Party and was dismissed from cabinet minister and missed the election of the House of Commons due to appendectomy.
213 Though there was no evidence of his guilt, Scipio withdrew from public life and died a virtual exile.
214 Chris Bosh also withdrew from camp on Wednesday afternoon due to a foot injury.
215 They withdrew under a security agreement that calls for American combat forces to leave Iraq by the end of 2011.
216 But after helping run her husband's first State Senate campaign in 1996, Michelle Obama largely withdrew from politics for years, fully re-engaging only for the presidential campaign.
216 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
217 On Tuesday, the President's president's choice to lead the Department of Health and Human Services with grue withdrew his nomination.
218 Mt And Jesus went from there and withdrew into the parts of Tyre and Sidon.
219 As Carrie listened to this and much more of similar familiar badinage among the men and girls, she instinctively withdrew into herself.
220 First, I went to bank and withdrew my monthly salary to repay my home loan.
221 What money I could have invested by now! I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs(), I withdrew that and spent it frivolously.
222 The enemy withdrew; The limo pulled away from the curb.
223 US Republican Senator Judd Gregg withdrew Thursday as the nominee for Secretary of Commerce, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the Obama administration over its economic stimulus plan.
224 The freedom fighters withdrew into the mountains, from which they mounted an insurrection against the junta.
225 Mr Davis withdrew from the business firm, because he saw breakers ahead.
226 Jose Ramos-Horta was prominent in the campaign against Indonesia rule, after the Portuguese withdrew from their former colony in 1975.
227 The IMF wound down its programme there 10 years ago and formally withdrew in 2002, adopting a "declaration of noncooperation" with Mugabe's government.
228 The mujahedeen had no idea whom they would attack after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, so they sat around until they came up with a new enemy: America.
229 EX The troop withdrew safely under the cover of darkness.
230 However, he developed progressive cachexia, withdrew from hemodialysis and subsequently died.
231 We thought we had a sporting chance when the other company withdrew its bid.
232 A fourth team short-listed by the MoD for the trials failed to provide vehicles after prime contractor Babcock withdrew at the last moment.
233 Defarge took his receipt without noticing the exclamation, and withdrew, with his two fellow - patriots.
234 Subsequently, Thomson withdrew from the company at a substantial loss.
235 In 1988 Mikhail Gorbachev cited high cost and withdrew his troops.
236 When the waggon had passed on, Gabriel withdrew from his point of espial.
237 League, the club's home ground was the Queenstown Stadium . The club withdrew from the S.
238 The film is infamous for copycat behaviour, which many thought to be the reason that director Stanley Kubrick withdrew the film in the UK.
239 Then in 2004, Merck withdrew its painkiller Vioxx after studies showed the pill increased the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
240 To do this, the company withdrew millions of bottles and replace millions more without cost to the customer, on the off-chance that other bottles might be poisoned.
241 The Confederate army withdrew south into the state of Georgia. Tennessee was completely in Union hands.
242 Under the command of General Jeffrey Amherst, the British returned the following year and were able to defeat the French, who destroyed much of Fort Carillon and withdrew to Canada.
243 Between June, 1998, and March, 2000, Woolley recalled, the clients of GMO—pension funds and charitable endowments, mostly—withdrew forty per cent of their money.
244 Then Johnston , flanked again, withdrew his thinning lines a few miles farther.
244 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
245 "Perhaps it would be better if I withdrew altogether." — "Certainly not!".
246 The bidder withdrew his bid after submission of his bid.
247 He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed.
248 Earlier this year, Sean Penn filed for a legal separation but withdrew the request in May after a few weeks, calling his first action "an arrogant mistake."
249 Unable to resist the siren call of the cards, he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas.
250 The old man withdrew the blade and punched the shark exactly in the same spot again.
251 The men cast off their packs, withdrew their ponchos and set up their pup tents again.




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